02070 02072旧约新约 Strong's number
02071 orig  出现经文 同源字 相关查询
2071 esomai {es'-om-ahee}

1510 的未来式; 动词

钦定本 - shall be 151, will be 9, be 6, shall have 6, shall come to 被动4,
     shall 4, not tr 1, misc 7; 188

1) "to be"的第一人称单数未来式
02071 ἔσομαι
SG1510    说明
2071 esomai {es'-om-ahee}

future of 1510;; v

AV - shall be 151, will be 9, be 6, shall have 6, shall come to pass 4,
     shall 4, not tr 1, misc 7; 188

1) future first person singular of "to be"