04397 04399旧约新约 Strong's number
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4398 prophetis {prof-ay'-tis}

源自 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; 阴性名词

AV - prophetess 2; 2

1) 女先知
04398 προφῆτις, ιδος, ἡ 名词
(七士士译)「女先知」。προφήτης之女性, 路2:36 。指耶洗别,教导推雅推喇教会作恶事,ἡ λέγουσα ἑαυτὴν προφῆτιν自称是先知的妇人, 启2:20 (参Ἰεζάβελ-SG2403 条)。*    说明
4398 prophetis {prof-ay'-tis}

from 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; n f

AV - prophetess 2; 2

1) a prophetess
2) a woman to whom future events or things hidden from others are at
   times revealed, either by inspiration or by dreams and visions
3) a female who declares or interprets oracles