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01845 Dᵉ`uw'el {deh-oo-ale'}

源自 030450410; 阳性专有名词

AV - Deuel 4; 4

丢珥 = "他们认识上帝"
1) 在西乃山点数以色列民时, 迦得支派首领以利雅萨的父亲, 亦称为 '流珥'
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<神出> 民1:14
<译词>丢珥4 (4)
迦得支派一首领以利雅萨的父亲, 民7:42,47 10:20 。*
01845 D@`uw'el {deh-oo-ale'}

from 03045 and 0410;; n pr m

AV - Deuel 4; 4

Deuel = "they know God"
1) father of Eliasaph, the captain of the tribe of Gad at the time of
   the numbering of the people at Sinai, also called 'Reuel'