01954 01956旧约新约 Strong's number
01955 h"y.[;vAh\   出现经文 相关查询
01955 Howsha`yah {ho-shah-yaw'}

源自 0346703050; 阳性专有名词

钦定本 - Hoshaiah 3; 3

何沙雅 = "耶和华已经拯救"  
1) 犹大的王子, 曾助尼希米行献耶路撒冷城墙之礼 (  尼 12:32  )
2) 耶撒尼亚(又名亚撒利雅)的父亲, 他是耶利米时代, 尼布甲尼撒王毁灭耶路撒冷城
   之后的首领之一 (  耶 42:1  )
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<神出> 尼12:32
<译词>何沙雅3 (3)
1.圣城告成时一首领, 尼12:32

2.耶撒尼亚的父亲, 耶42:1 43:2 。*

01955 Howsha`yah {ho-shah-yaw'}

from 03467 and 03050;; n pr m

AV - Hoshaiah 3; 3

Hoshaiah = "Jehovah as saved"
1) a prince of Judah who assisted in the dedication of the wall of
   Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah
2) the father of Jezaniah (or Azariah) who was a man of note after
   the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in the time of Jeremiah