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02586 Chanuwn {khaw-noon'}

源自 02603;阳性专有名词

钦定本 - Hanun 11; 11

哈嫩 = "蒙喜爱的"
1) 拿辖的儿子和亚扪的王, 他侮辱了大卫的使者, 并在后来的 战斗中败给大卫
2) 一位和撒挪亚人一起修造耶路撒冷城墙的谷门的人 ( 尼 3:13 )
3) 萨拉的第六子,协助耶路撒冷城墙的修复,似乎是负责在东边的区域 ( 尼 3:30 )
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<神出> 撒下10:1
<译词>哈嫩11 (11)
1. 亚扪王拿辖的儿子, 撒下10:1,2,3,4 代上19:2,3,4,6

2. 尼希米时助修圣城的一人, 尼3:30

3. 尼希米时助修圣城及谷门的一人, 尼3:13
02586 Chanuwn {khaw-noon'}

from 02603;; n pr m

AV - Hanun 11; 11

Hanun = "gracious"
1) son of Nahash and king of Ammon who dishonoured David's ambassadors
   and lost the subsequent war with David
2) a man who, with the people of Zanoah, repaired the ravine gate in
   the wall of Jerusalem
3) the 6th son of Zalaph, who also assisted in the repair of the wall
   of Jerusalem, apparently on the east side