03370 03372旧约新约 Strong's number
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03371 Yoqthᵉ'el {yok-theh-ale'}

可能与 3348 和 410同源; 专有名词 地名

AV - Joktheel 2; 2

约帖 = "神的赐福"
1) 犹大低地的城巿
2) 这断崖被亚玛谢王占领之后而被命名; 
   也称为 '西拉' 和 '比矗'(比簇)(是尼拜约王国的首都,死海西南边47英哩之处)
本字典尚在发展中,错缪缺漏难免,请多多包涵!有意见请联系twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 注:<神出>表示TWOT神学辞典编号和此字第一次出处
<神出> 书15:38
<译词>约帖2 (2)
1. 犹大低原之一城, 书15:38

2. 以东之城原名西拉, 王下14:7
03371 Yoqth@'el {yok-theh-ale'}

probably from the same as 03348 and 0410;; n pr loc

AV - Joktheel 2; 2

Joktheel = "the blessedness of God"
1) a city in the low country of Judah named next to Lachish
2) the name given to the cliff which was the stronghold of Edom by
   king Amaziah after capturing it; also called 'Selah' and 'Petra'