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04158 Mowpha`ath ( 耶 48:21 ) {mo-fah'-ath} 或 meyphaath {may-fah'-ath};
       或 mephaath {may-fah'-ath}

源自 03313; 专有名词 地名

钦定本 - Mephaath 4; 4

米法押 = "光彩" 或 "高度"
1) 流便族拨给米拉利后裔利未人的城市, 位于Mishor区; 地点不明
2) 在摩押的一个城市 ( 耶48:21 )
本字典尚在发展中,错缪缺漏难免,请多多包涵!有意见请联系twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 注:<神出>表示TWOT神学辞典编号和此字第一次出处
<神出> 书13:18
<译词>米法押4 (4)
属流便支派一乡镇, 书13:18 21:37 代上6:79 耶48:21 。*
04158 Mowpha`ath (Jer. 48:2{1) {mo-fah'-ath} or meyphaath {may-fah'-ath};
       or mephaath {may-fah'-ath

from 03313;; n pr loc

AV - Mephaath 4; 4

Mephaath = "splendour" or "height"
1) a city of Reuben allotted to the Merarite Levites lying in the
   district of the Mishor; site uncertain
2) a city in Moab