05882 05884旧约新约 Strong's number
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05883 `Eyn Rogel {ane ro-gale'}

源自 05869 并为 07270 的主动分词 ; 专有名词 地名

钦定本 - Enrogel 4; 4

隐・罗结= "漂洗者的泉源"
1) 接近耶路撒冷之一处, 在犹大和便雅悯的边界上, 为西罗亚池固定的源头
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【5883】עֵין רֹגֵל
<音译> `Eyn Rogel
<词类> 名、专
<字义> 旅客之泉
<字源> 来自SH5869SH7270
<神出> 书15:7
<译词> 隐罗结4 (4)
耶路撒冷城名泉名,在犹大与便雅悯交界处, 书15:7 18:16 撒下17:17 王上1:9
05883 `Eyn Rogel {ane ro-gale'}

from 05869 and the act. part. of 07270;; n pr loc

AV - Enrogel 4; 4

En-rogel = "fount of the fuller"
1) a place near Jerusalem on the border between Judah and Benjamin
   and from which the permanent source of the pool of Siloam comes