06363 06365旧约新约 Strong's number
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06364 Piy-Beceth {pee beh'-seth}

源自埃及语; 专有名词 地名

钦定本 - Pibeseth 1; 1

比伯实 = 低微之家
1) 下埃及的城镇, 座落于尼罗河支流 Pelusiac 河的西岸,
   离摩弗约有四十哩左右 ( 结 30:17
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【6364】פִּי בֶסֶת
<音译> Piy-Beceth
<词类> 名、专
<字义> 非常讨厌的嘴
<字源> 属埃及语起源
<神出> 结30:17
<译词> 比伯实1 (1)
埃及一古城名, 结30:17
06364 Piy-Beceth {pee beh'-seth}

of Egyptian origin;; n pr loc

AV - Pibeseth 1; 1

Pi-beseth = "mouth of loathing"
1) a town of lower Egypt located on the west bank of the Pelusiac
   branch of the Nile about 40 miles from Memphis
   1a) same as 'Bubastis' named after the goddess of the same name