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08115 Shomrayin (亚兰文) {shom-rah'-yin}

相当于 08111; 专有名词 地名

AV - Samaria 2; 2

撒玛利亚 = "看山"
1) 北巴勒斯坦之地, 联合以色列十个支派的北方王国, 在所罗门死后, 
   其子罗波安在位期间, 分裂出来, 由耶罗波安统治 ( 拉 4:17 )
2) 以色列北国的首都, 位于耶路撒冷北方三十哩(50公里)及示剑西北方
   六哩(10公里) ( 拉 4:10 )
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<音译> Shomrayin
<词类> 名、专、亚
<字义> 守望台
<字源> 相当于SH8111
<神出> 拉4:10
<译词> 撒玛利亚2 (2)
暗利建造撒玛利亚城,定为北国以色列的首都,领土含北国以色列境内各城, 拉4:10,17 。详SH8111
08115 Shomrayin (Aramaic) {shom-rah'-yin}

corresponding to 08111;; n pr loc

AV - Samaria 2; 2

Samaria = "watch mountain"
1) the region of northern Palestine associated with the northern
   kingdom of the 10 tribes of Israel which split from the kingdom
   after the death of Solomon during the reign of his son Rehoboam
   and were ruled by Jeroboam
2) the capital city of the northern kingdom of Israel located 30
   miles (50 km) north of Jerusalem and 6 miles (10 km) northwest
   of Shechem