08555 08557旧约新约 Strong's number
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08556 Timnath Cherec {tim-nath kheh'-res} 或 Timnath Cerach {tim-nath

源自 08553 and 02775; 专有名词 地名

AV - Timnathserah 2, Timnathheres 1; 3

亭拿希烈 或 亭拿西拉 = "太阳的一部分" 或 "丰盛的一部分"
1) 给约书亚为产业的一座城,在以法莲的山区内,迦实山的北边,约书亚埋葬于该处
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【8556】תִּמְנַת סֶרַח
<音译> Timnath Cherec
<词类> 名、专
<字义> 太阳散布的热
<字源> 来自SH8553SH2775
<神出> 书19:50
<译词> 亭拿西拉2 亭拿希烈1 (3)
亭拿西拉别名,以法莲山境小村, 书19:50 24:30 士2:9
08556 Timnath Cherec {tim-nath kheh'-res} or Timnath Cerach {tim-nath

from 08553 and 02775;; n pr loc

AV - Timnathserah 2, Timnathheres 1; 3

Timnath-heres or Timnath-serah = "portion of the sun" or
                                 "abundant portion"
1) a city given to Joshua as a inheritance in the mountains of
   Ephraim on the north of the hill of Gaash where he was buried