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08590 Ta`anak {tah-an-awk'} or Ta`nak {tah-nawk'}

字源不详; 专有名词, 地名

AV - Taanach 6, Tanach 1; 7

他纳 = "多沙的"
1) 为约书亚所征服的一迦南古城, 而且分配给玛拿西半族
   即使在以萨迦的境地内; 给了哥辖利未人; 位于约旦的西方且靠近米吉多的水源
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<音译> Ta`anak
<词类> 名、专
<字义> 沙土
<字源> 属未定引申语
<神出> 书12:21
<译词> 他纳7 (7)
迦南地之一王城,地在以萨迦境内,为玛拿西所得, 书12:21 17:11 21:25 士1:27 5:19 王上4:12 代上7:29
08590 Ta`anak {tah-an-awk'} or Ta`nak {tah-nawk'}

of uncertain derivation;; n pr loc

AV - Taanach 6, Tanach 1; 7

Taanach or Tanach = "sandy"
1) an ancient Canaanite city conquered by Joshua and allotted to the
   half tribe of Manasseh although in the territory of Issachar; given
   to the Kohathite Levites; located on the west of the Jordan and near
   the waters of Megiddo