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02174 Zimriy {zim-ree'}

源自 02167;

钦定本 - Zimri 15; 15

心利 = "我的音乐"
1) 撒路的儿子, 一个西缅族的首领, 和米甸公主哥斯比一起为非尼哈所杀 
   ( 民 25:14-15 )
2) 北国以色列的第五个王, 杀以拉(北国第四个王)而得王位, 只在位七日, 
   元帅暗利被众民拥立为王, 心利放火焚烧王宫自尽. ( 王上 16:9-18 )
3) 谢拉的五个儿子之一, 犹大的孙子 ( 代上 2:6  )
4) 便雅悯人耶何阿达的儿子, 扫罗的后裔 ( 代上 8:36 )
阳性专有名词 种族名称
1) 心利: 耶利米提到的在衣索匹亚的杂族 ( 耶 25:25 )
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<神出> 民25:14
<译词>心利15 (15)
1.犹大的孙子,谢拉的儿子, 代上2:6

2.西缅支派的一首领, 民25:14

3.扫罗儿子约拿单的后裔, 代上8:36 9:42

4.以拉被臣子心利所杀后,心利自立为王,成为以色列国的第五任王, 王上16:8-20 王下9:31

地点不详, 耶25:25
02174 Zimriy {zim-ree'}

from 02167;

AV - Zimri 15; 15

n pr m
Zimri = "my music"
1) the son of Salu, a Simeonite chieftain, slain by Phinehas with the
   Midianitish princess Cozbi
2) 5th king of the northern kingdom, murderer of the king, Elah, who
   reigned for 7 days before he killed himself by setting the palace
   on fire and was replaced by the general of the army, Omri
3) one of the five sons of Zerah and grandson of Judah
4) son of Jehoadah and descendant of Saul
5) an obscure name mentioned in connection with 'the mingled people'
   in Jeremiah; may be same as 'Zimran'