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05226 nekach {nay'-kakh}

字根已不使用, 意为一直向前; TWOT - 1365a; 实名词作副词

钦定本 - before 1, against 1; 2

1) 在前面   ( 出 14:2 )
2) 对面   ( 结 46:9
本字典尚在发展中,错缪缺漏难免,请多多包涵!有意见请联系twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 注:<神出>表示TWOT神学辞典编号和此字第一次出处
<神出>1365a  出14:2
<译词>对1 靠近1 (2)
3单阳词尾נִכְחוֹ תַחֲנוּ עַל-הַיָּם靠近海边安营, 出14:2 ;נִכְחוֹ יֵצֵאו由门而出, 结46:9
05226 nekach {nay'-kakh}

from an unused root meaning to be straightforward; TWOT - 1365a; subst

AV - before 1, against 1; 2

1) be in front of
2) in front of, opposite to, in the sight of, before, to the front,
   right on
3) towards the front of, in front of, on behalf of, as far as in
   front of