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02971 Ya'iyr {yaw-ere'}

源自 0215; 陽性專有名詞 人名

欽定本 - Jair 9; 9

睚珥 = "他啟迪"
1) 瑪拿西的一個後裔, 他在征服時期攻克很多市鎮
2) 基列人, 在士師時代當以色列士師 22 年; 30 個兒子的父親
3) 便雅憫人, 基士之子, 末底改之父
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<神出> 民32:41
<譯詞>睚珥8 (8)
1. 瑪拿西的後裔, 民32:41 申3:14 書13:30 王上4:13 代上2:22

2. 以色列人的一位士師, 士10:3,5

3. 末底改的父親, 斯2:5

02971 Ya'iyr {yaw-ere'}

from 0215;; n pr m

AV - Jair 9; 9

Jair = "he enlightens"
1) a descendant of Manasseh who conquered many towns during the time
   of the conquest
2) the Gileadite, a judge of Israel for 22 years during the time of
   the judges; father of 30 sons
3) a Benjamite, son of Kish, and father of Mordecai
4) father of Elhanan, one of David's mighty warriors