03295 03297舊約新約 Strong's number
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03296 Ya`arey 'Orᵉgiym {yah-ar-ay' o-reg-eem'}

源於 03293 的複數和 0707 的陽性複數主動分詞; 陽性專有名詞 

AV - Jaareoregim 1; 1

雅雷俄珥金 = "織布者的森林"
1) 伯利恆人伊勒哈難的父親,伊勒哈難是大衛王的大能勇士,曾殺了迦特人的巨人; 
   又稱 睚珥 [見 02971 ] ( 撒下 21:19 )
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【3296】יַעְרֵי אֹרְגִים
<音譯>Ya`arey 'Oregiym
<神出> 撒下21:19
<譯詞>雅雷俄珥金1 (1)
一伯利恒人,他的兒子伊勒哈難是大衛王的大能勇士,曾殺了迦特人的巨人, 撒下21:19 ,又名叫睚珥, 代上20:5

03296 Ya`arey 'Or@giym {yah-ar-ay' o-reg-eem'}

from the pl. of 03293 and the masc. pl. act. participle of 0707;; n pr m

AV - Jaareoregim 1; 1

Jaare-oregim = "forests of weaver"
1) a man of Bethlehem, father of Elhanan the giant slayer and one of
   David's mighty warriors; also called 'Jair'