08086 08088舊約新約 Strong's number
08087 [;m,v\   出現經文 相關查詢
08087 Shema` {sheh'-mah}

與 08088 同; 陽性專有名詞 人名

AV - Shema 5; 5

示瑪 = "聽聞"
1) 流便人約珥的兒子, 亞撒的父親, 比拉的祖父( 代上 5:8 )
2) 猶大人希伯崙的兒子, 拉含的父親( 代上 2:43-44 )
3) 便雅憫人以利巴力的兒子, 和其兄弟比利亞同為亞雅崙居民的族長, 
   他們曾驅逐了迦特的居民 ( 代上 8:13 )
4) 當以斯拉對民宣讀律法時, 站在其右邊的一位以色列人( 尼 8:4 )
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<音譯> Shema`
<詞類> 名、專、陽
<字源> 同SH8088
<神出> 代上2:43
<譯詞> 示瑪5 (5)
1. 希伯崙的兒子, 代上2:43-44

2. 流便支派約珥的兒子, 代上5:8

3. 便雅憫支派的一族長, 代上8:13

4. 幫助以斯拉宣讀律法書的一人, 尼8:4
08087 Shema` {sheh'-mah}

for the same as 08088;

AV - Shema 5; 5

Shema = "hear"
n pr m
1) a Reubenite, son of Joel, father of Azaz, and grandfather of Bela
2) a Judaite, son of Hebron and father of Raham
3) a Benjamite, son of Elpaal who along with his brother Beriah were
   heads of their fathers houses in Aijalon and who drove out the
   inhabitants of Gath. Probably the same as 'Shimhi'
4) an Israelite who stood on the right hand of Ezra as he read the
   Law to the people