內容 | - Foretold
Ge 49:24 Isa 40:11 Eze 34:23 37:24
- The chief
1Pe 5:4
- The good
Joh 10:11,14
- The great
Mic 5:4 Heb 13:20
. He knows
Joh 10:14,27
. He calls
Joh 10:3
. He gathers
Isa 40:11 Joh 10:16
. He guides
Ps 23:3 Joh 10:3,4
. He feeds
Ps 23:1,2 Joh 10:9
. He cherishes tenderly
Isa 40:11
. He protects and preserves
Jer 31:10 Eze 34:10 Zec 9:16 Joh 10:28
. He laid down his life for
Zec 13:7 Mt 26:31 Joh 10:11,15 Ac 20:28
. He gives eternal life to
Joh 10:28
- Typified
. David
1Sa 16:11