內容 | - Christ set an example of
Lu 19:41,42
- Exhortation to
Ro 12:15 1Pe 3:8
. The afflicted
Job 6:14 Heb 13:3
. The chastened
Isa 22:4 Jer 9:1
. Enemies
Ps 35:13
. The poor
Pr 19:17
. The weak
2Co 11:29 Ga 6:2
. Saints
1Co 12:25,26
- Inseparable from love to God
1Jo 3:17 Joh 4:20
. The compassion of God
Mt 13:27,33
. The sense of our infirmities
Heb 5:2
- The wicked made to feel, for saints
Ps 106:46
- Promise to those who show
Pr 19:17 Mt 10:42
- Illustrated
Lu 10:33 15:20
- Exemplified
. Pharaoh's daughter
Ex 2:6
. Shobi, &c
2Sa 17:27-29
. Elijah
1Ki 17:18,19
. Nehemiah
Ne 1:4
. Job's friends
Job 2:11
. Job
Job 30:25
. David
Ps 35:13,14
. Jews
Joh 11:19
. Paul
1Co 9:22