中文內容 | - 兩方達成的協議
創 26:28 但 11:6
- 用來
. 建立友誼
撒上 18:3
. 在戰時獲取援助
王上 15:18,19
. 彼此保護
創 26:28,29 31:50-52
. 確立和睦
書 9:15,16
. 促進貿易
王上 5:6-11
. 賣出土地
創 23:14-16
- 立約的條件
. 明確說清楚
撒上 11:1,2
. 遵照所起的誓
創 21:23,31 26:31
. 有人作見證
創 23:17,18 得 4:9-11
. 被寫下並簽名於其上
尼 9:38 10:1
- 上帝常被呼求作兩下的見證
創 31:50,53
- 一旦確定就不能更改
加 3:15
- 立約時要從切好的祭牲肉塊中穿過
創 15:9-17 耶 34:18,19
- 鹽在約中是不廢壞的象徵
民 18:19 代下 13:5
- 以牽手來認可
箴 11:21 結 17:18
- 接著是筵席
創 26:30 31:54
- 送禮作為憑據
創 21:27-30 撒上 18:3,4
- 立柱子作為紀念
創 31:45,46
- 給立約的地方起名字
創 21:31 31:47-49
- 猶太人
. 不得和迦南地的列國立約
出 23:32 申 7:2
. 每每和別的國家立約
王上 5:12 王下 17:4
. 為了和拜偶像的國家立約而遭上帝非難
賽 30:2-5 何 12:1
. 把約視為神聖
書 9:16-19 詩 15:4
- 惡人違約
羅 1:31 提後 3:3
- 用來說明
. 婚姻的約
瑪 2:14
. 上帝給人類的應許
創 9:9-11 弗 2:12
. 一個民族同心服事上帝的決心
王下 11:17 代下 15:12 尼 10:29
. 良善的決定
伯 31:1
. (與死亡和陰間立約,) 世俗所認為的安全
賽 28:15,18
. (與大地上的石頭和走獸立約) 和睦與亨通
伯 5:23 何 2:18 |
內容 | - Agreements between two parties
Ge 26:28 Da 11:6
. Establishing friendship
1Sa 18:3
. Procuring assistance in war
1Ki 15:18,19
. Mutual protection
Ge 26:28,29 31:50-52
. Establishing peace
Jos 9:15,16
. Promoting commerce
1Ki 5:6-11
. Selling land
Ge 23:14-16
. Clearly specified
1Sa 11:1,2
. Conformed by oath
Ge 21:23,31 26:31
. Witnessed
Ge 23:17,18 Ru 4:9-11
. Written and sealed
Ne 9:38 10:1
- God often called to witness
Ge 31:50,53
- When confirmed, unalterable
Ga 3:15
- Made by passing between the pieces of the divided sacrifices
Ge 15:9-17 Jer 34:18,19
- Salt a sign of perpetuity in
Nu 18:19 2Ch 13:5
- Ratified by joining hands
Pr 11:21 Eze 17:18
- Followed by a feast
Ge 26:30 31:54
- Presents given as tokens
Ge 21:27-30 1Sa 18:3,4
- Pillars raised in token of
Ge 31:45,46
- Names given to places where made
Ge 21:31 31:47-49
. Forbidden to make, with the nations of Canaan
Ex 23:32 De 7:2
. Frequently made with other nations
1Ki 5:12 2Ki 17:4
. Condemned for making, with idolatrous nations
Isa 30:2-5 Ho 12:1
. Regarded, as sacred
Jos 9:16-19 Ps 15:4
- Violated by the wicked
Ro 1:31 2Ti 3:3
. Of the contract of marriage
Mal 2:14
. Of God's promises to man
Ge 9:9-11 Eph 2:12
. Of the united determination of a people to serve God
2Ki 11:17 2Ch 15:12 Ne 10:29
. Of good resolutions
Job 31:1
. (With death and hell,) of carnal security
Isa 28:15,18
. (With stones and beasts, of the earth,) of peace and
Job 5:23 Ho 2:18