內容 | - Necessary to the service of God
Lu 9:62
- Exhortations to
Jos 24:14,15
. Seeking God with the heart
2Ch 15:12
. Keeping the commandments of God
Ne 10:29
. Being on the Lord's side
Ex 32:26
. Following God fully
Nu 14:24 32:12 Jos 14:8
. Serving God
Isa 56:6
. Loving God perfectly
De 6:5
. Blessedness of
Jos 1:7
. A divided service
Mt 6:24
. Double-mindedness
Jas 1:8
. Halting between two opinions
1Ki 18:21
. Turning to the right or left
De 5:32
. Not setting the heart aright
Ps 78:8,37
- Exemplified
. Moses
Ex 32:26
. Caleb
Nu 13:30
. Joshua
Jos 24:15
. Ruth
Ru 1:16
. Asa
2Ch 15:8
. David
Ps 17:3
. Peter
Joh 6:68
. Paul
Ac 21:13
. Abraham
Heb 11:8