中文內容 | - 尺寸大小
出 30:1,2 37:25
- 用金包裹
出 30:3 37:26
- 壇的上方、壇的四圍鑲上金牙邊
出 30:3 37:26
- 杠的牙邊以下有四個金環
出 30:4 37:27
- 壇的杠乃是用金包裹
出 30:5
- 稱為金壇
出 39:38
- 放在外面聖所的幔子外
出 30:6 40:5,26
- 據說安置在耶和華面前
利 4:7 王上 9:25
- 以聖油膏抹
出 30:26,27
- 祭司朝夕在此燒香
出 30:7,8
- 不可奉上異樣的香, 不可獻任何祭物
出 30:9
- 大祭司每年一次行贖罪之禮
出 30:10 利 16:18,19
- 所有贖罪祭牲的血抹在壇的四角上
利 4:7,18
- 冒犯燒香之壇的懲罰
. 獻上凡火
利 10:1,2
. 獻上未經授權的祭
代下 26:16-19
- 從聖所搬出來時要由祭司蒙起來
民 4:11
- 基督的象徵
啟 8:3 9:3 |
內容 | - Dimensions, &c of
Ex 30:1,2 37:25
- Covered with Gold
Ex 30:3 37:26
- Top of, surrounded with a crown of gold
Ex 30:3 37:26
- Had four rings of gold under the crown for the staves
Ex 30:4 37:27
- Staves of, covered with gold
Ex 30:5
- Called the golden altar
Ex 39:38
- Placed before the vail in the outer sanctuary
Ex 30:6 40:5,26
- Said to be before the Lord
Le 4:7 1Ki 9:25
- Anointed with holy oil
Ex 30:26,27
- The priest burned incense on every morning and evening
Ex 30:7,8
- No strange incense nor any sacrifice to be offered on
Ex 30:9
- Atonement made for, by the high priest once every year
Ex 30:10 Le 16:18,19
- The blood of all sin offerings put on the horns of
Le 4:7,18
. Offering strange fire on
Le 10:1,2
. Unauthorised offering on
2Ch 26:16-19
- Covered by the priest before removal from the sanctuary
Nu 4:11
- A type of Christ
Re 8:3 9:3