內容 | - The world in general
Ge 1:2
- The dry land as divided from waters
Ge 1:10
. Created
Ge 1:1 Ne 9:6
. Laid the foundation of
Job 38:4 Ps 102:25
. Formed
Ps 90:2
. Spread abroad
Isa 42:5 44:24
. Suspended in space
Job 26:7
. Supports
Ps 75:3
. Establishes
Ps 78:69 119:90
. Enlightens
Ge 1:14-16 Jer 33:25
. Waters
Ps 65:9 147:8
. Makes fruitful
Ge 1:11 27:28
. Inspects
Zec 4:10
. Governs supremely
Job 34:13 Ps 135:6
. Reigns in
Ex 8:22 Ps 97:1
. Shall be exalted in
Ps 46:10
- Is the Lord's
Ex 9:29 1Co 10:26
- Created to be inhabited
Isa 45:18
- First division of
Ge 10:25
- Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of
Job 11:9 38:18 Pr 25:3
- Diversified by hills and mountains
Hab 3:6
- Full of minerals
De 8:9 Job 28:1-5,15-19
. God's footstool
Isa 66:1 Mt 5:35
. Full of God's goodness
Ps 33:5
. Full of God's riches
Ps 104:24
. Full of God's mercy
Ps 119:64
. Full of God's glory
Nu 14:21 Isa 6:3
. Shining with God's glory
Eze 43:2
. Trembling before God
Ps 68:8 Jer 10:10
. Melting at God's voice
Ps 46:6
. Burning at God presence
Na 1:5
. Formed out of
Ge 2:7 Ps 103:14
. Given dominion over
Ge 1:26 Ps 115:16
. By nature is of
1Co 15:47-48
. By nature minds the thing of
Php 3:19
. Brought a curse on
Ge 3:17
. Shall return to
Ge 3:19 Ps 146:4
- Subject to God's judgments
Ps 46:8 Isa 11:4
- Corrupted by sin
Ge 6:11,12 Isa 24:5
- Made barren by sin
De 28:23 Ps 107:34
- Made to mourn and languish by sin
Isa 24:4 Jer 4:28 12:4 Ho 4:3
- Satan goes to and fro in
Job 1:7 1Pe 5:8
- Shall be filled with the knowledge of God
Isa 11:9 Hab 2:14
- Once inundated
Ge 7:17-24
- Not to be again inundated
Ge 9:11 2Pe 3:6,7
- To be dissolved by fire
2Pe 3:7,10,12
- To be renewed
Isa 65:17 2Pe 3:13
- Saints shall inherit
Ps 25:13 Mt 5:5