主題Gad, The Tribe of (迦得支派 )
 - 是雅各第七個兒子的後裔
      創 30:11 

 - 關於迦得支派的預言
      創 49:19  申 33:20,21 

 - 從迦得支派中揀選一些人
   . 數點百姓
        民 1:14 

   . 窺探美地
        民 13:15 

 - 出埃及時, 迦得支派的人數
      民 1:24,25 

 - 漂流旅途中, 是以色列軍第二隊的後部
      民 10:18-20 

 - 安營在會幕的南方, 在流便的纛之下
      民 2:10,14 

 - 行奉獻壇之禮時的供物
      民 7:42-47 

 - 家族
      民 26:15-17 

 - 進入迦南時, 迦得支派的人數
      民 26:18 

 - 在以巴路山上, 附和咒詛
      申 27:13 

 - 請求並得到約旦河以東的地業
      民 32:1-33 

 - 其地業的界限
      書 13:24-28 

 - 迦得支派所建立的城市
      民 32:34-36 

 - 佔領迦南地時得到幫助
      書 4:12,13 

 - 攻克迦南之後, 返回家鄉
      書 22:9 

 - 建立做證據的祭壇時得到幫助, 該祭壇惹動以色列人的嫉妒
      書 22:10-29 

 - 很多其他支派的人尋求迦得支派的庇護, 免受非利士人攻擊
      撒上 13:7 

 - 十一個迦得支派的人游過約旦河, 投奔大衛的山寨
      代上 12:8-15 

 - 有些迦得支派的人出席大衛的加冕典禮
      代上 12:37,38 

 - 大衛任命官長管理迦得支派
      代上 26:32 

 - 殺害夏甲人
      代上 5:18-22 

 - 被亞蘭王哈薛制服
      王下 10:33 

 - 被活捉至亞述
      王下 15:29  代上 5:22,26 

 - 迦得支派的土地, 被摩押人和亞們人攻佔
      耶 48:18-24  49:1 
 - Descended from Jacob's seventh son
      Ge 30:11 

 - Predictions respecting
      Ge 49:19  De 33:20,21 

   . To number the people
        Nu 1:14 

   . To spy out the land
        Nu 13:15 

 - Strength of, on leaving Egypt
      Nu 1:24,25 

 - The rear of second division of Israel in their journeys
      Nu 10:18-20 

 - Encamped south of the tabernacle under the standard of Reuben
      Nu 2:10,14 

 - Offering of, at the dedication
      Nu 7:42-47 

 - Families of
      Nu 26:15-17 

 - Strength of, on entering Canaan
      Nu 26:18 

 - On Ebal, said amen to the curse
      De 27:13 

 - Sought and obtained its inheritance east of Jordan
      Nu 32:1-33 

 - Bounds of its inheritance
      Jos 13:24-28 

 - Cities built by
      Nu 32:34-36 

 - Assisted in conquest of Canaan
      Jos 4:12,13 

 - After the conquest, returned home
      Jos 22:9 

 - Assisted in building the altar of witness which excited the
   jealousy of Israel
      Jos 22:10-29 

 - Many from other tribes sought refuge with, from the
      1Sa 13:7 

 - Eleven of, swam the Jordan, and joined David in the hold
      1Ch 12:8-15 

 - Some of, at coronation of David
      1Ch 12:37,38 

 - David appointed rulers over
      1Ch 26:32 

 - Spoiled the Hagarites
      1Ch 5:18-22 

 - Subdued by Hazael king of Syria
      2Ki 10:33 

 - Taken captive to Assyria
      2Ki 15:29  1Ch 5:22,26 

 - Land of, seized by the Moabites and Ammonites
      Jer 48:18-24  49:1 
