內容 | - Commanded
1Ch 16:28 Ps 22:23 Isa 42:12
- Due to him
1Ch 16:29
. Holiness
Ps 99:9 Re 15:4
. Mercy and truth
Ps 115:1 Ro 15:9
. Faithfulness and truth
Isa 25:1
. Wondrous works
Mt 15:31 Ac 4:21
. Judgments
Isa 25:3 Eze 28:22 Re 14:7
. Deliverance
Ps 50:15
. Grace to others
Ac 11:18 2Co 9:13 Ga 1:24
- Obligation of saints to
1Co 6:20
- Is acceptable through Christ
Php 1:11 1Pe 4:11
- Christ, an example of
Joh 17:4
. Relying on his promises
Ro 4:20
. Praising him
Ps 50:23
. Doing all to him
1Co 10:31
. Dying for him
Joh 21:19
. Confessing Christ
Php 2:11
. Suffering for Christ
1Pe 4:14,16
. Glorifying Christ
Ac 19:17 2Th 1:12
. Bringing forth fruits of righteousness
Joh 15:8 Php 1:11
. Patience in affliction
Isa 24:15
. Faithfulness
1Pe 4:11
- Required in body and spirit
1Co 6:20
- Shall be universal
Ps 86:9 Re 5:13
. Resolve on
Ps 69:30 118:28
. Unite in
Ps 34:3 Ro 15:6
. Persevere in
Ps 86:12
- All the blessings of God are designed to lead to
Isa 60:21 61:3
- The holy example of saints may lead others to
Mt 5:16 1Pe 2:12
- All, by nature, fail in
Ro 3:23
- The wicked averse to
Da 5:23 Ro 1:21
- Punishment for not
Da 5:23,30 Mal 2:2 Ac 12:23 Ro 1:21
- Heavenly host engaged in
Re 4:11
- Exemplified
. David
Ps 57:5
. The Multitude
Mt 9:8 15:31
. The Virgin Mary
Lu 1:46
. Angels
Lu 2:14
. Shepherds
Lu 2:20
. Man sick of the palsy
Lu 5:25
. Woman with infirmity
Lu 13:13
. Leper
Lu 17:15
. Blind man
Lu 18:43
. Centurion
Lu 23:47
. The Church at Jerusalem
Ac 11:18
. Gentiles at Antioch
Ac 13:48
. Abraham
Ro 4:20
. Paul
Ro 11:36