內容 | - Exhibited in Christ
Joh 1:14 2Co 4:6 Heb 1:3
. His name
De 28:58 Ne 9:5
. His majesty
Job 37:22 Ps 93:1 104:1 145:5,12 Isa 2:10
. His power
Ex 15:1,6 Ro 6:4
. His works
Ps 19:1 111:3
. His holiness
Ex 15:11
. Great
Ps 138:5
. Eternal
Ps 104:31
. Rich
Eph 3:16
. Highly exalted
Ps 8:1 113:4
. Moses
Ex 34:5-7 33:18-23
. Stephen
Ac 7:55
. His Church
De 5:24 Ps 102:16
- Enlightens the Church
Isa 60:1,2 Re 21:11,23
- Saints desire to behold
Ps 63:2 90:16
- God is jealous
Isa 42:8
- Reverence
Isa 59:19
- Plead in prayer
Ps 79:9
- Declare
1Ch 16:24 Ps 145:5,11
- Magnify
Ps 57:5
- The earth is full of
Isa 6:3
- The knowledge of, shall fill the earth
Hab 2:14