內容 | - Is a spirit
Joh 4:24 2Co 3:17
. Light
Isa 60:19 Jas 1:17 1Jo 1:5
. Love
1Jo 4:8,16
. Invisible
Job 23:8,9 Joh 1:18 5:37 Col 1:15 1Ti 1:17
. Unsearchable
Job 11:7 37:23 Ps 145:3 Isa 40:28 Ro 11:33
. Incorruptible
Ro 1:23
. Eternal
De 33:27 Ps 90:2 Re 4:8-10
. Immortal
1Ti 1:17 6:16
. Omnipotent
Ge 17:1 Ex 6:3
. Omniscient
Ps 139:1-6 Pr 5:21
. Omnipresent
Ps 139:7 Jer 23:23
. Immutable
Ps 102:26,27 Jas 1:17
. Only-wise
Ro 16:27 1Ti 1:17
. Glorious
Ex 15:11 Ps 145:5
. Most High
Ps 83:18 Ac 7:48
. Perfect
Mt 5:48
. Holy
Ps 99:9 Isa 5:16
. Just
De 32:4 Isa 45:21
. True
Jer 10:10 Joh 17:3
. Upright
Ps 25:8 92:15
. Righteous
Ezr 9:15 Ps 145:17
. Good
Ps 25:8 119:68
. Great
2Ch 2:5 Ps 86:10
. Gracious
Ex 34:6 Ps 116:5
. Faithful
1Co 10:13 1Pe 4:19
. Merciful
Ex 34:6,7 Ps 86:5
. Long-suffering
Nu 14:18 Mic 7:1
. Jealous
Jos 24:19 Na 1:2
. Compassionate
2Ki 13:23
. A consuming fire
Heb 12:29
- None beside him
De 4:35 Isa 44:6
- None before him
Isa 43:10
- None like to him
Ex 9:14 De 33:26 2Sa 7:22 Isa 46:5,9 Jer 10:6
- None good but he
Mt 19:17
- Fills heaven and earth
1Ki 8:27 Jer 23:24
- Should be worshipped in spirit and in truth
Joh 4:24