內容 | - With oil
Ps 92:10
- With ointment
Joh 11:2
. Decorating the person
Ru 3:3
. Refreshing the body
2Ch 28:15
. Purifying the body
Es 2:12 Isa 57:9
. Curing the sick
Mr 6:13 Jas 5:14
. Healing wounds
Isa 1:6 Lu 10:34
. Preparing weapons for war
Isa 21:5
. Preparing the dead for burial
Mt 26:12 Mr 16:1 Lu 23:56
. The Jews were very fond of
Pr 27:9 Am 6:6
. The head
Ps 23:5 Ec 9:8
. The face
Ps 104:15
. The feet
Lu 7:38,39 Joh 12:3
. The eyes
Re 3:18
. Richly perfumed
So 4:10 Joh 12:3
. Most expensive
2Ki 20:13 Am 6:6 Joh 12:3,5
. Prepared by the apothecary
Ec 10:1
. An article of commerce
Eze 27:17 Re 18:13
. Neglected in times of affliction
2Sa 12:20 14:2 Da 10:3
- Neglect of, to guests, a mark of disrespect
Lu 7:46
- A token of joy
Ec 9:7,8
- Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment
De 28:40 Mic 6:15
- Why recommended by Christ in times of Fasting
Mt 6:17,18