內容 | - Is in God
Ps 73:25,26
- Only found in the ways of wisdom
Pr 3:17,18
- Described by Christ in the beatitudes
Mt 5:3-12
. Fear of God
Ps 128:1,2 Pr 28:14
. Trust in God
Pr 16:20 Php 4:6,7
. The words of Christ
Joh 17:13
. Obedience to God
Ps 40:8 Joh 13:17
. Salvation
De 33:29 Isa 12:2,3
. Hope in the Lord
Ps 146:5
. Hope of glory
Ro 5:2
. God being their Lord
Ps 144:15
. God being their help
Ps 146:5
. Praising God
Ps 135:3
. Their mutual love
Ps 133:1
. Divine chastening
Job 5:17 Jas 5:11
. Suffering for Christ
2Co 12:10 1Pe 3:14 4:13,14
. Having mercy on the poor
Pr 14:21
. Finding wisdom
Pr 3:13
- Is abundant and satisfying
Ps 36:8 63:5