內容 | - Prepared to seek God
2Ch 19:3 Ezr 7:10 Ps 10:17
- Fixed on God
Ps 57:7 112:7
- Joyful in God
1Sa 2:1 Zec 10:7
- Perfect with God
1Ki 8:61 Ps 101:2
- Upright
Ps 97:11 125:4
- Clean
Ps 73:1
- Pure
Ps 24:4 Mt 5:8
- Tender
1Sa 24:5 2Ki 22:19
- Single and sincere
Ac 2:46 Heb 10:22
- Honest and good
Lu 8:15
- Broken, contrite
Ps 34:18 51:17
- Obedient
Ps 119:112 Ro 6:17
- Filled with the law of God
Ps 40:8 119:11
- Awed by the word of God
Ps 119:161
- Filled with the fear of God
Jer 32:40
- Meditative
Ps 4:4 77:6
- Circumcised
De 30:6 Ro 2:29
- Void of fear
Ps 27:3
- Desirous of God
Ps 84:2
- Enlarged
Ps 119:32 2Co 6:11
- Faithful to God
Ne 9:8
- Confident in God
Ps 112:7
- Sympathising
Jer 4:19 La 3:51
- Prayerful
1Sa 1:13 Ps 27:8
- Inclined to obedience
Ps 119:112
- Wholly devoted to God
Ps 9:1 119:10,69,145
- Zealous
2Ch 17:6 Jer 20:9
- Wise
Pr 10:8 14:33 23:15
- A treasury of good
Mt 12:35