內容 | - Declared by himself
Mt 11:29
. Taking our nature
Php 2:7 Heb 2:16
. Birth
Lu 2:4-7
. Subjection to his parents
Lu 2:51
. Station in life
Mt 13:55 Joh 9:29
. Poverty
Lu 9:58 2Co 8:9
. Partaking of our infirmities
Heb 4:15 5:7
. Submitting to ordinances
Mt 3:13-15
. Becoming a servant
Mt 20:28 Lu 22:27 Php 2:7
. Associating with the despised
Mt 9:10,11 Lu 15:1,2
. Refusing honours
Joh 5:41 6:15
. Entry into Jerusalem
Zec 9:9 Mt 21:5,7
. Washing his disciples' feet
Joh 13:5
. Obedience
Joh 6:38 Heb 10:9
. Submitting to sufferings
Isa 50:6 53:7 Ac 8:32 Mt 26:37-39
. Exposing himself to reproach and contempt
Ps 22:6 69:9 Ro 15:3 Isa 53:3
. Death
Joh 10:15,17,18 Php 2:8 Heb 12:2
- Saints should imitate
Php 2:5-8
- On account of, he was despised
Mr 6:3 Joh 9:29
- His exaltation, the result of
Php 2:9