內容 | - Created by God
Ge 1:24,25
. Clean and fit for food
Le 11:21,22
. Unclean and abominable
Le 11:23,24
. Ant
Pr 6:6 30:25
. Bee
Jud 14:8 Ps 118:12 Isa 7:18
. Beetle
Le 11:22
. Caterpillar
Ps 78:46 Isa 33:4
. Cankerworm
Joe 1:4 Na 3:15,16
. Earthworm
Job 25:6 Mic 7:17
. Flea
1Sa 24:14
. Fly
Ex 8:22 Ec 10:1 Isa 7:18
. Gnat
Mt 23:24
. Grasshopper
Le 11:22 Jud 6:5 Job 39:20
. Hornet
De 7:20
. Locust
Ex 10:12,13
. Bald locust
Le 11:22
. Lice
Ex 8:16 Ps 105:31
. Maggot
Ex 16:20
. Moth
Job 4:19 27:18 Isa 50:9
. Palmer-worm
Joe 1:4 Am 4:9
. Spider
Job 8:14 Pr 30:28
- Fed by God
Ps 104:25,27 145:9,15