中文內容 | - 迦南的東方邊界
民 34:12
- 常常氾濫
書 3:15 代上 12:15
- 約但河的氾濫, 稱為約但河邊的叢林
耶 12:5 49:19
- 流入死海
民 34:12
- 約但河平原
. 樹林茂密
王下 6:2
. 非常富饒
創 13:10
. 有獅子出沒
耶 49:19 50:44
. 提供鑄銅之用的泥土
王上 7:46 代下 4:17
. 掣籤決定住處
創 13:11
- 在某些地方可赤足涉過
書 2:7 士 12:5,6
- 常用擺渡輪過約但河
撒下 19:18
- 跟約但河有關的非常事件
. 河水分開以讓以色列人通過
書 3:12-16 5:1
. 河水回歸原處
書 4:18
. 摩押人遭屠殺
士 3:28,29
. 以法蓮人遭屠殺
士 12:4-6
. 以利亞分開河水
王下 2:8
. 以利沙分開河水
王下 2:14
. 醫治大痲瘋病患乃縵
王下 5:10,14
. 施洗約翰在此為民眾施洗
太 3:6 可 1:5 約 1:28
. 我們的主在此受洗
太 3:13,15 可 1:9
- 以色列人過約但河
. 被應許
申 4:22 9:1 11:31
. 依照約定的次序
書 3:1-8
. 祭司抬約櫃走在前頭
書 3:6,11,14
. 順利達到目的
書 3:17 4:1,10,11
. 在約但河中豎立石柱作為紀念
書 4:9
. 在吉甲豎立石柱作為紀念
書 4:2-8,20-24
. 被提及
詩 74:15 114:3,5
. 上帝將把迦南人等趕出他們的土地的許諾
書 3:10
- 猶太人以約但河大大自豪
亞 11:3
- 為外國人所輕視
王下 5:12
- 摩西不得過約但河
申 3:27 31:2 |
內容 | - Eastern boundary of Canaan
Nu 34:12
- Often overflowed
Jos 3:15 1Ch 12:15
- Overflowing of, called the swelling of Jordan
Jer 12:5 49:19
- Empties itself into the Dead Sea
Nu 34:12
. Thickly wooded
2Ki 6:2
. Exceeding fertile
Ge 13:10
. Infested with lions
Jer 49:19 50:44
. Afforded clay for moulding brass, &c
1Ki 7:46 2Ch 4:17
. Chosen by Lot for a residence
Ge 13:11
- Fordable in some places
Jos 2:7 Jud 12:5,6
- Ferry boats often used on
2Sa 19:18
. Division of its waters to let Israel pass over
Jos 3:12-16 5:1
. Return of its waters to their place
Jos 4:18
. Slaughter of Moabites
Jud 3:28,29
. Slaughter of the Ephraimites
Jud 12:4-6
. Its division by Elijah
2Ki 2:8
. Its division by Elisha
2Ki 2:14
. Healing of Naaman the leper
2Ki 5:10,14
. Baptism of multitudes by John the Baptist
Mt 3:6 Mr 1:5 Joh 1:28
. Baptism of our Lord
Mt 3:13,15 Mr 1:9
. Promised
De 4:22 9:1 11:31
. In an appointed order
Jos 3:1-8
. Preceded by priests with the ark
Jos 3:6,11,14
. Successfully effected
Jos 3:17 4:1,10,11
. Commemorated by a pillar of stones raised in it
Jos 4:9
. Commemorated by a pillar of stones in Gilgal
Jos 4:2-8,20-24
. Alluded to
Ps 74:15 114:3,5
. A pledge that God would drive the Canaanites, &c out of
their land
Jos 3:10
- The Jews had great pride in
Zec 11:3
- Despised by foreigners
2Ki 5:12
- Moses not allowed to cross
De 3:27 31:2