內容 | - Is a part of his character
De 32:4 Isa 45:21
. Plenteous
Job 37:23
. Incomparable
Job 4:1
. Incorruptible
De 10:17 2Ch 19:7
. Impartial
2Ch 19:7 Jer 32:19
. Unfailing
Zep 3:5
. Undeviating
Job 8:3 34:12
. Without respect of persons
Ro 2:11 Col 3:25 1Pe 1:17
. The habitation of his throne
Ps 89:14
- Not to be sinned against
Jer 50:7
- Denied by the ungodly
Eze 33:17,20
. Forgiving sins
1Jo 1:9
. Redemption
Ro 3:26
. His government
Ps 9:4 Jer 9:24
. His judgments
Ge 18:25 Re 19:2
. All his ways
Eze 18:25,29
. The final judgment
Ac 17:31
- Acknowledge
Ps 51:4 Ro 3:4
- Magnify
Ps 98:9 99:3,4