中文內容 | - 是雅各第三個兒子的後裔
創 29:34 來 7:9,10
- 關於利未人的預言
創 49:5,7 申 33:8-11
- 起出由三個家族組成
民 3:17 代上 6:16-48
- 未與以色列人一同被數點
民 1:47-49
- 滿月的利未人被另外數點
民 3:14-16,39
- 被數點的利未家族
. 革順
民 3:18,21,22
. 哥轄
民 3:19,27,28
. 米拉利
民 3:20,33,34
- 由上帝揀選, 從事聖所的服事
代上 15:2 民 3:6
- 被分別為聖
民 8:6,14
- 被揀選, 代替頭生的以色列人
民 3:12,13,40-45 8:16-18
- 對抗偶像崇拜的熱忱是其受命的目標
出 32:26-28 申 33:9,10
- 二十五歲開始服事
民 8:24
- 三十歲時以神職人員身份被數點
民 4:3,23-49
- 五十歲時卸任
民 8:25
- 卸任後須執行較不費力的職責
民 8:26
- 利未人承接聖職的儀式
. 清洗潔淨
民 8:7
. 為利未人獻贖罪祭
民 8:8,12
. 以色列長老按手在他們頭上
民 8:9,10
. 將他們呈到上帝面前, 作為百姓的獻祭
民 8:11,15
. 使他們站在祭司面前, 將他們當作搖祭呈給耶和華
民 8:13
- 賜給亞倫與其子孫
民 3:9 8:19
- 在帳幕的四圍安營
民 1:50,52,53 3:23,29,35
- 在以色列的中心遊行
民 2:17
- 利未人的服事
. 事奉耶和華
申 10:8
. 事奉祭司
民 3:6,7 18:2
. 事奉百姓
代下 35:3
. 掌管聖所
民 18:3 代上 23:32
. 看守聖器具與聖器皿
民 3:8 代上 9:28,29
. 看管聖油、麵粉等
代上 9:29,30
. 看管聖庫
代上 26:20
. 負責收十一奉獻、供物等
代下 31:11-19 尼 12:44
. 從事帳幕的服事
民 8:19,22
. 拆卸、支搭並搬運帳幕
民 1:50,51 4:5-33
. 為祭司預備獻祭
代上 23:31 代下 35:11
. 預備擺列陳設餅
代上 9:31,32 23:29
. 潔淨聖物
代上 23:28
. 制定重量單位和度量單位
代上 23:29
. 教導百姓
代下 17:8,9 30:22 35:3 尼 8:7
. 為百姓祝福
申 10:8
. 看守聖殿大門
代上 9:17-26 23:5 代下 35:15 尼 12:25
. 指揮聖樂
代上 23:5-30 代下 5:12,13 尼 12:24,27-43
. 在軍隊前面唱讚美詩
代下 20:21,22
. 判斷裁決糾紛
申 17:9 代上 23:4 代下 19:8
- 有危機時護衛王與王的殿宇
王下 11:5-9 代下 23:5-7
- 在以色列中沒有地業
申 10:9 書 13:33 14:3
- 猶太人當仁慈對待利未人
申 12:12,18,19 14:29 16:11,14
- 指派了四十八座有廣大郊野的城邑給利未人
民 35:2-8
- 十一奉獻交給利未人, 以供應他們所需
民 18:21,24 代下 31:4,5 尼 12:44,45 來 7:5
- 一定要將十一奉獻的十分之一交給祭司
民 18:26-32
- 保有供物的一部份
申 18:1,2
- 大衛
. 最先數點三十歲以上的利未人
代上 23:2-3
. 將他們分為四類
代上 23:4-6
. 遺囑吩咐要數點二十歲以上的利未人
代上 23:24,27
. 由於他們責任較輕, 命他們從二十歲開始服事
代上 23:26,28-32
. 細分利未人為二十四個班次
代上 23:6 25:8-31
. 命他們出席班次
代下 8:14 31:17
- 被擄歸回後在班次中服事
拉 6:18
- 有首領或族長管理他們
民 3:24,30,35 代上 15:4-10 代下 35:9 拉 8:29
- 全部在大祭司副手的掌控之下
民 3:32 代上 9:20
- 有服事時住在聖殿四圍
代上 9:27
- 逾越祭司職分者處以死刑
民 18:3
- 可拉等利未人獻香的懲罰
民 16:1-35 |
內容 | - Descended from Jacob's third son
Ge 29:34 Heb 7:9,10
- Prophecies respecting
Ge 49:5,7 De 33:8-11
- Originally consisted for three families or divisions
Nu 3:17 1Ch 6:16-48
- Not numbered with Israel
Nu 1:47-49
- Numbered separately after the people from a month old
Nu 3:14-16,39
. Of Gershom
Nu 3:18,21,22
. Of Kohath
Nu 3:19,27,28
. Of Merari
Nu 3:20,33,34
- Chosen by God for service of the sanctuary
1Ch 15:2 Nu 3:6
- Were consecrated
Nu 8:6,14
- Taken instead of the first-born of Israel
Nu 3:12,13,40-45 8:16-18
- Zeal against idolatry a cause of their appointment
Ex 32:26-28 De 33:9,10
- Entered on their service at twenty-five years of age
Nu 8:24
- Numbered as ministers at thirty
Nu 4:3,23-49
- Superannuated at fifty
Nu 8:25
- When superannuated required to perform the less arduous
Nu 8:26
. Cleansing and purifying
Nu 8:7
. Making a sin-offering for
Nu 8:8,12
. Elders of Israel laying their hands on them
Nu 8:9,10
. Presenting them to God as an offering for the people
Nu 8:11,15
. Setting before the priest and presenting them as their
offering to God
Nu 8:13
- Given to Aaron and sons
Nu 3:9 8:19
- Encamped round the tabernacle
Nu 1:50,52,53 3:23,29,35
- Marched in the centre of Israel
Nu 2:17
. Ministering to the Lord
De 10:8
. Ministering to priests
Nu 3:6,7 18:2
. Ministering to the people
2Ch 35:3
. Keeping the charge of the sanctuary
Nu 18:3 1Ch 23:32
. Keeping sacred instruments and vessels
Nu 3:8 1Ch 9:28,29
. Keeping sacred oil, flour, &c
1Ch 9:29,30
. Keeping sacred treasures
1Ch 26:20
. Taking charge of the tithes, offerings, &c
2Ch 31:11-19 Ne 12:44
. Doing the service of tabernacle
Nu 8:19,22
. Taking down, putting up, and carrying the tabernacle, &c
Nu 1:50,51 4:5-33
. Preparing the sacrifices for the priests
1Ch 23:31 2Ch 35:11
. Preparing the show bread
1Ch 9:31,32 23:29
. Purifying the holy things
1Ch 23:28
. Regulating weights and measures
1Ch 23:29
. Teaching the people
2Ch 17:8,9 30:22 35:3 Ne 8:7
. Blessing the people
De 10:8
. Keeping the gates of the temple
1Ch 9:17-26 23:5 2Ch 35:15 Ne 12:25
. Conducting the sacred music
1Ch 23:5-30 2Ch 5:12,13 Ne 12:24,27-43
. Singing praises before the army
2Ch 20:21,22
. Judging and deciding in controversies
De 17:9 1Ch 23:4 2Ch 19:8
- Guarded king's person and house in times of danger
2Ki 11:5-9 2Ch 23:5-7
- Had no inheritance in Israel
De 10:9 Jos 13:33 14:3
- The Jews to be kind and benevolent to
De 12:12,18,19 14:29 16:11,14
- Eight and forty cities with extensive suburbs, appointed for
Nu 35:2-8
- The tithes given to, for their support
Nu 18:21,24 2Ch 31:4,5 Ne 12:44,45 Heb 7:5
- Bound to give a tenth of their tithes to the priests
Nu 18:26-32
- Had a part of their offerings
De 18:1,2
. Numbered them first from thirty years old
1Ch 23:2-3
. Divided them into four classed
1Ch 23:4-6
. By his last words had them numbered from twenty years old
1Ch 23:24,27
. Made them serve from twenty on account of the lightness of
their duties
1Ch 23:26,28-32
. Subdivided into 24 courses
1Ch 23:6 25:8-31
. Made them attend in courses
2Ch 8:14 31:17
- Served in courses after captivity
Ezr 6:18
- Had chiefs or officers over them
Nu 3:24,30,35 1Ch 15:4-10 2Ch 35:9 Ezr 8:29
- Were all under control of the high priest's deputy
Nu 3:32 1Ch 9:20
- While in attendance lodged around the temple
1Ch 9:27
- Punished with death for encroaching on the priestly office
Nu 18:3
- Punishment of Korah and others of, for offering incense
Nu 16:1-35