內容 | - To the Father
Ps 91:14 Joh 14:31
- To his church
So 4:8,9 5:1 Joh 15:9 Eph 5:24
- To those who love him
Pr 8:17 Joh 14:21
. Coming to seek the lost
Lu 19:10
. Praying for his enemies
Lu 23:34
. Giving himself for us
Ga 2:20
. Dying for us
Joh 15:13 1Jo 3:16
. Washing away our sins
Re 1:5
. Interceding for us
Heb 7:25 9:24
. Sending the Spirit
Ps 68:18 Joh 16:7
. Rebukes and chastisements
Re 3:19
- Passes knowledge
Eph 3:19
- To be imitated
Joh 13:34 15:12 Eph 5:2 1Jo 3:16
. Unquenchable
So 8:7
. Constraining
2Co 5:14
. Unchangeable
Joh 13:1
. Indissoluble
Ro 8:35
- Obedient saints abide in
Joh 15:10
- Saints obtain victory through
Ro 8:37
- Is the banner over his saints
So 2:4
- Is the ground of his saints love to him
Lu 7:47
- To saints, shall be acknowledge even by enemies
Re 3:9
- Illustrated
Mt 18:11-13
- Exemplified towards
. Peter
Lu 22:32,61
. Lazarus, &c
Joh 11:5,36
. His apostles
Joh 13:1,34
. John
Joh 13:23