主題Marriage (婚姻 )
 - 上帝所設立
      創 2:24 

 - 是一段誓約關係
      瑪 2:4 

 - 用意
   . 人類的幸福
        創 2:18 

   . 增加人口
        創 1:28  9:1 

   . 繁衍敬虔的後代
        瑪 2:15 

   . 防止淫亂
        林前 7:2 

 - 在早先的年代, 女人預期得到蒙應許的後代是結婚的動機
      創 3:15  4:1 

 - 在各方面皆為合法
      林前 7:2,28  提前 5:14 

 - 人人都當尊重
      來 13:4 

 - 應當只在主裡
      林前 7:39 

 - 表達的方式
   . 合為一體
        太 19:6 

   . 結親
        王上 3:1 

   . 娶妻
        出 2:1 

   . 將女兒嫁給別人的兒子, 為兒子娶別人的女兒
        申 7:3  拉 9:12 

 - 在雙方聯合生活中乃是不可解除的
      太 19:6  羅 7:2,3  林前 7:39 

 - 早期一夫多妻制的引進
      創 4:19 

 - 在先祖時代, 人與近親締結婚約
      創 20:12  24:24  28:2 

 - 常由父母為子女訂婚約
      創 24:49-51  34:6,8 

 - 應當經由父母同意
      創 28:8  士 14:2,3 

 - 雙方同意對於婚姻是必要的
      創 24:57,58  撒上 18:20  25:41 

 - 父母得拒絕讓子女嫁娶
      出 22:17  申 7:3 

 - 猶太人
   . 禁止與近親締結婚約
        利 18:6 

   . 禁止與拜偶像的人締結婚約
        申 7:3,4  書 23:12  拉 9:11,12 

   . 常與外人締結婚約
        王上 11:1  尼 13:23 

   . 有時犯了一夫多妻的罪
        王上 11:1,3 

   . 為子女締結婚約時相當小心
        創 24:2,3  28:1,2 

   . 在婚前一段時間便訂婚
        申 20:7  士 14:5,7,8  太 1:18 

   . 年輕時便訂了婚約
        箴 2:17  珥 1:8 

   . 常在自己的支派內締結婚約
        出 2:1  民 36:6-13  路 1:5,27 

   . 兄弟若沒有子嗣而死, 有責任娶其妻子
        申 25:5  太 22:24 

   . 認為不婚是恥辱
        賽 4:1 

   . 認為不婚是哀傷的起因
        士 11:38 

   . 常受到不能結婚的懲罰
        耶 7:34  16:9  25:10 

   . 因為心腸剛硬, 被准許離婚
        申 24:1  太 19:7,8 

   . 新婚者免除上戰場的義務
        申 20:7 

 - 祭司不得與被休或不合適的婦人締結婚約
      利 21:7 

 - 大祭司不得與寡婦或被休被污的婦人締結婚約
      利 21:14 

 - 在城門口當著見證人面前締結婚約
      得 4:1,10,11 

 - 提親的方法
      創 24:3,4  34:6,8  撒上 25:39,40 

 - 年長的女兒通常比年幼的女兒先出嫁
      創 29:26 

 - 婚前會給女方父母一份嫁妝
      創 29:18  34:12  撒上 18:27,28  何 3:2 

 - 被慶祝
   . 大大歡喜
        耶 33:11  約 3:29 

   . 用盛宴款待客人
        創 29:22  士 14:10  太 22:2,3  約 2:1-10 

   . 長達七天
        士 14:12 

 - 婚後為新人宣告祝福
      創 24:60  得 4:11,12 

 - 新娘
   . 婚前收到禮物
        創 24:53 

   . 結婚時得到一個使女
        創 24:59  29:24,29 

   . 婚禮上佩戴珠寶
        賽 49:18  61:10 

   . 穿著華麗的嫁紗
        詩 45:13,14 

   . 由伴娘陪同
        詩 45:9 

   . 站在新郎右邊
        詩 45:9 

   . 被召喚不要記念她的父家
        詩 45:10 

 - 新郎
   . 佩戴飾物
        賽 61:10 

   . 由許多朋友陪同
        士 14:11  約 3:29 

   . 有人贈之以禮物
        詩 45:12 

   . 頭戴花環
        歌 3:11 

   . 喜悅新娘
        賽 62:5 

   . 夜間與新娘回到他家
        太 25:1-6 

 - 婚禮上給賓客穿的衣服
      太 22:12 

 - 訂了婚約的人不貞, 將視同結婚一樣受罰
      申 22:23,24  太 1:19 

 - 用來說明
   . 上帝跟猶太人的國家合一
        賽 54:5  耶 3:14  何 2:19,20 

   . 基督跟祂的教會合一
        弗 5:23,24,32 
 - Divinely instituted
      Ge 2:24 

 - A covenant relationship
      Mal 2:4 

   . The happiness of man
        Ge 2:18 

   . Increasing the human population
        Ge 1:28  9:1 

   . Raising up godly seed
        Mal 2:15 

   . Preventing fornication
        1Co 7:2 

 - The expectation of the promised seed of the woman an
   incentive to, in the early age
      Ge 3:15  4:1 

 - Lawful in all
      1Co 7:2,28  1Ti 5:14 

 - Honourable for all
      Heb 13:4 

 - Should be only in the Lord
      1Co 7:39 

   . Joining together
        Mt 19:6 

   . Making affinity
        1Ki 3:1 

   . Taking to wife
        Ex 2:1 

   . Giving daughters to sons, and sons to daughters
        De 7:3  Ezr 9:12 

 - Indissoluble during the joint lives of the parties
      Mt 19:6  Ro 7:2,3  1Co 7:39 

 - Early introduction of polygamy
      Ge 4:19 

 - Contracted in patriarchal age with near relations
      Ge 20:12  24:24  28:2 

 - Often contracted by parents for children
      Ge 24:49-51  34:6,8 

 - Should be with consent of parents
      Ge 28:8  Jud 14:2,3 

 - Consent of the parties necessary to
      Ge 24:57,58  1Sa 18:20  25:41 

 - Parents might refuse to give their children in
      Ex 22:17  De 7:3 

   . Forbidden to contract, with their near relations
        Le 18:6 

   . Forbidden to contract with idolaters
        De 7:3,4  Jos 23:12  Ezr 9:11,12 

   . Often contracted with foreigners
        1Ki 11:1  Ne 13:23 

   . Sometimes guilty of polygamy
        1Ki 11:1,3 

   . Careful in contracting for their children
        Ge 24:2,3  28:1,2 

   . Betrothed themselves some time before
        De 20:7  Jud 14:5,7,8  Mt 1:18 

   . Contracted when young
        Pr 2:17  Joe 1:8 

   . Often contracted, in their own tribe
        Ex 2:1  Nu 36:6-13  Lu 1:5,27 

   . Obliged to contract with a brother's wife who died without
        De 25:5  Mt 22:24 

   . Considered being debarred from, a reproach
        Isa 4:1 

   . Considered being debarred from, a cause of grief
        Jud 11:38 

   . Often punished by being debarred from
        Jer 7:34  16:9  25:10 

   . Were allowed divorce from, because of hardness of their
        De 24:1  Mt 19:7,8 

   . Exempted from going to war immediately after
        De 20:7 

 - Priest not to contract, with divorced or improper persons
      Le 21:7 

 - The high priest not to contract, with a widow or a divorced
   or profane person
      Le 21:14 

 - Contracted at the gate and before witnesses
      Ru 4:1,10,11 

 - Modes of demanding women in
      Ge 24:3,4  34:6,8  1Sa 25:39,40 

 - Elder daughters usually given in, before the younger
      Ge 29:26 

 - A dowry given to the woman's parents before
      Ge 29:18  34:12  1Sa 18:27,28  Ho 3:2 

   . With great rejoicing
        Jer 33:11  Joh 3:29 

   . With feasting
        Ge 29:22  Jud 14:10  Mt 22:2,3  Joh 2:1-10 

   . For seven days
        Jud 14:12 

 - A benediction pronounced after
      Ge 24:60  Ru 4:11,12 

   . Received presents before
        Ge 24:53 

   . Given a handmaid at
        Ge 24:59  29:24,29 

   . Adorned with jewels for
        Isa 49:18  61:10 

   . Gorgeously apparelled
        Ps 45:13,14 

   . Attended by bridesmaids
        Ps 45:9 

   . Stood on the right of bridegroom
        Ps 45:9 

   . Called to forget her father's house
        Ps 45:10 

   . Adorned with ornaments
        Isa 61:10 

   . Attended by many friends
        Jud 14:11  Joh 3:29 

   . Presented with gifts
        Ps 45:12 

   . Crowned with garlands
        So 3:11 

   . Rejoiced over the bride
        Isa 62:5 

   . Returned with the bride to his house at night
        Mt 25:1-6 

 - Garments provided for guests at
      Mt 22:12 

 - Infidelity of those contracted in, punished as if married
      De 22:23,24  Mt 1:19 

   . God's union with the Jewish nation
        Isa 54:5  Jer 3:14  Ho 2:19,20 

   . Christ's union with his church
        Eph 5:23,24,32 
