內容 | - Is part of his character
Ex 34:6,7 Ps 62:12 Ne 9:17 Jon 4:2,10,11 2Co 1:3
. Great
Nu 14:18 Isa 54:7
. Rich
Eph 2:4
. Manifold
Ne 9:27 La 3:32
. Plenteous
Ps 86:5,15 103:8
. Abundant
1Pe 1:3
. Sure
Isa 55:3 Mic 7:20
. Everlasting
1Ch 16:34 Ps 89:28 106:1 107:1 136:1-26
. Tender
Ps 25:6 103:4 Lu 1:78
. New every morning
La 3:23
. High as heaven
Ps 36:5 103:11
. Filling the earth
Ps 119:64
. Over all his works
Ps 145:9
- Is his delight
Mic 7:18
. In the sending of Christ
Lu 1:78
. In salvation
Tit 3:5
. In long-suffering
La 3:22 Da 9:9
. To his people
De 32:43 1Ki 8:23
. To them that fear him
Ps 103:17 Lu 1:50
. To returning backsliders
Jer 3:12 Ho 14:4 Joe 2:13
. To repentant sinners
Ps 32:5 Pr 28:13 Isa 55:7 Lu 15:18-20
. To the afflicted
Isa 49:13 54:7
. To the fatherless
Ho 14:3
. To whom he will
Ho 2:23 Ro 9:15,18
. With everlasting kindness
Isa 54:8
- A ground of hope
Ps 130:7 147:11
- A ground of trust
Ps 52:8
. Sought for ourselves
Ps 6:2
. Sought for others
Ga 6:16 1Ti 1:2 2Ti 1:18
. Pleaded in prayer
Ps 6:4 25:6 51:1
. Rejoiced in
Ps 31:7
. Magnified
1Ch 16:34 Ps 115:1 118:1-4,29 Jer 33:11
- Typified
. Mercy seat
Ex 25:17
- Exemplified
. Lot
Ge 19:16,19
. Epaphroditus
Php 2:27
. Paul
1Ti 1:13