內容 | - Dug out of the earth
Job 28:1,2,6
. Gold
Ge 2:11,12
. Silver
Ge 44:2
. Brass
Ex 27:2,4 2Ch 12:10
. Copper
Ezr 8:27 2Ti 4:14
. Iron
Nu 35:16 Pr 27:17
. Lead
Ex 15:10 Jer 6:29
. Tin
Nu 31:22
- Comparative value of
Isa 60:17 Da 2:32-45
- Often mixed with dross
Isa 1:25
- The holy land abounded in
De 8:9
- Antiquity of the art of working in
Ge 4:21
- Freed from dross by fire
Eze 22:18,20
- Ceremonially cleansed by fire
Nu 31:21-23
- Cast in mould
Jud 17:4 Jer 6:29
- Clay of Jordan used for moulding
1Ki 7:46
- An extensive commerce in
Eze 27:12