內容 | - The darkness first called
Ge 1:5
- Caused by God
Ps 104:20
- Belongs to God
Ps 74:16
- The heavenly bodies designed to separate day from
Ge 1:14
- The moon and stars designed to rule and give light by
Ge 1:16-18 Jer 31:35
- Commenced at sunset
Ge 28:11
- Continued until sunrise
Ps 104:22 Mt 28:1 Mr 16:2
. Established by covenant
Ge 8:22 Jer 33:20
. Ordained for the glory of God
Ps 19:2
- Originally divided into three watches
La 2:19 Jud 7:19 Ex 14:24
- Divided into four watches by the Romans
Lu 12:38 Mt 14:25 Mr 13:35
. Exceeding dark
Pr 7:9
. Cold and frosty
Ge 31:40 Jer 36:30
. Accompanied by heavy dew
Nu 11:9 Jud 6:38,40 Job 29:19 So 5:2
- Unsuitable for labour
Joh 9:4
- Unsuitable for travelling
Joh 11:10
- Designed for rest
Ps 104:23
- Wearisome to the afflicted
Job 7:3,4
- Favourable to the purposes of the wicked
Ge 31:39 Job 24:14,15 Ob 1:5 1Th 5:2
- Wild beasts go forth in search of prey during
2Sa 21:10 Ps 104:21,22
. Forbidden to keep the wages of servants during
Le 19:13
. Forbidden to allow malefactors to hang during
De 21:23
. In affliction spent, in sorrow and humiliation
Ps 6:6 30:5 Joe 1:13
. In affliction spent, in prayer
Ps 22:2
. Often kept lamps burning during
Pr 31:18
- Eastern shepherds watched over their flocks during
Ge 31:40 Lu 2:8
- Eastern fishermen continued their employment during
Lu 5:5 Joh 21:3
. Revealed his will in
Ge 31:24 46:2 Nu 22:30 Da 7:2
. Visited his people in
1Ki 3:5 Ps 17:3
. Executed his judgments in
Ex 12:12 2Ki 19:35 Job 27:20 Da 5:30
. Spiritual darkness
Ro 13:12
. Seasons of severe calamities
Isa 21:12 Am 5:8
. Seasons of spiritual desertion
So 3:1
. Death
Joh 9:4