內容 | - Inhabits wild and solitary places
Job 39:6 Isa 32:14 Da 5:21
- Ranges the mountains for food
Job 39:8
- Brays when hungry
Job 6:5
- Suffers in time of scarcity
Jer 14:6
. Fond of liberty
Job 39:5
. Intractable
Job 11:12
. Unsocial
Ho 8:9
- Despises his pursuers
Job 39:7
- Supported by God
Ps 104:10,11
. Intractableness of natural man
Job 11:12
. The wicked in their pursuit of sin
Job 24:5
. Israel in their love of idols
Jer 2:23,24
. The Assyrian power
Ho 8:9
. The Ishmaelites (Hebrew)
Ge 16:12