內容 | - Is the power of God
Mt 12:28 Lu 11:20
- Christ commenced his ministry in
Lu 4:14
- Christ wrought his miracles by
Mt 12:28
. Creation
Ge 1:2 Job 26:13 Ps 104:30
. The conception of Christ
Lu 1:35
. Raising Christ from the dead
1Pe 3:18
. Giving spiritual life
Eze 37:11-14 Ro 8:11
. Working miracles
Ro 15:19
. Making the gospel efficacious
1Co 2:4 1Th 1:5
. Overcoming all difficulties
Zec 4:6,7
. Promised by the Father
Lu 24:49
. Promised by Christ
Ac 1:8
. Upheld by
Ps 51:12
. Strengthened by
Eph 3:16
. Enable to speak the truth boldly by
Mic 3:8 Ac 6:5,10 2Ti 1:7,8
. Helped in prayer by
Ro 8:26
. Abound in hope by
Ro 15:13
- Qualifies ministers
Lu 24:49 Ac 1:8
- God's word the instrument of
Eph 6:17