內容 | - A characteristic of the wicked
2Pe 2:10
- A characteristic of Antichrist
2Th 2:4
. Opposing God
Job 15:25,26
. Wilful commission of sin
Ro 1:32
. Self-righteousness
Ho 12:8 Re 3:17
. Spiritual pride
Isa 65:5 Lu 18:11
. Esteeming our own ways right
Pr 12:15
. Seeking precedence
Lu 14:7-11
. Planning for the future
Lu 12:18 Jas 4:13
. Pretending to prophecy
De 18:22
- Pray to be kept from sins of
Ps 19:13
- Saints avoid
Ps 131:1
- Punishment for
Nu 15:30 Re 18:7,8
- Exemplified
. Builders of Babel
Ge 11:4
. Israelites
Nu 14:44
. Korah &c
Nu 16:3,7
. Men of Bethshemesh
1Sa 6:19
. Uzzah
2Sa 6:6
. Jeroboam
1Ki 13:4
. Benhadad
1Ki 20:19
. Uzziah
2Ch 26:16
. Sennacherib
2Ch 32:13,14
. Theudas
Ac 5:36
. Sons of Sceva
Ac 19:13,14
. Diotrephes
3Jo 1:9