內容 | - Abiding in Christ
Joh 15:4,5
- Partaking of the divine nature
2Pe 1:4
- Access to God by Christ
Eph 3:12
- Being of the household of God
Eph 2:19
- Membership with the Church of the first-born
Heb 12:23
. Christ for their Shepherd
Isa 40:11 Joh 10:14,16
. Christ for their intercessor
Ro 8:34 Heb 7:25 1Jo 2:1
. The promises of God
2Co 7:1 2Pe 1:4
- The possession of all things
1Co 3:21,22
- All things working together for their good
Ro 8:28 2Co 4:15-17
- Their names written in the book life
Re 13:8 20:15
. King
Ps 5:2 44:4 Isa 44:6
. Glory
Ps 3:3 Isa 60:19
. Salvation
Ps 18:2 27:1 Isa 12:2
. Father
De 32:6 Isa 63:16 64:8
. Redeemer
Ps 19:14 Isa 43:14
. Friend
2Ch 20:7 Jas 2:23
. Helper
Ps 33:20 Heb 13:6
. Keeper
Ps 121:4,5
. Deliverer
2Sa 22:2 Ps 18:2
. Strength
Ps 18:2 27:1 46:1
. Refuge
Ps 46:1,11 Isa 25:4
. Shield
Ge 15:1 Ps 84:11
. Tower
2Sa 22:3 Ps 61:3
. Light
Ps 27:1 Isa 60:19 Mic 7:8
. Guide
Ps 48:14 Isa 58:11
. Law-giver
Ne 9:13,14 Isa 33:22
. Habitation
Ps 90:1 91:9
. Portion
Ps 73:26 La 3:24
- Union in God and Christ
Joh 17:21
- Committing themselves to God
Ps 31:5 Ac 7:59 2Ti 1:12
- Calling upon God in trouble
Ps 50:15
- Suffering for Christ
Ac 5:41 Php 1:29
- Profiting by chastisement
Ps 119:67 Heb 12:10,11
- Secure during public calamities
Job 5:20,23 Ps 27:1-5 91:5-10
- Interceding for others
Ge 18:23-33 Jas 5:16