內容 | - Made of coarse hair
Mt 3:4 Re 6:12
- Rough and unsightly
Zec 13:4
- Of a black colour
Re 6:12
. By God's prophets
2Ki 1:8 Isa 20:2 Mt 3:4 Re 11:3
. By persons in affliction
Ne 9:1 Ps 69:11 Jon 3:5
. Girt about the loins
Ge 37:34 1Ki 20:31
. Frequently next the skin in deep afflictions
1Ki 21:27 2Ki 6:30 Job 16:15
. Often over the whole person
2Ki 19:1,2
. With ashes on the head
Es 4:1
. Often with ropes on the head
1Ki 20:31
. In the streets
Isa 15:3
. At funerals
2Sa 3:31
- The Jews lay in, when in deep affliction
2Sa 21:10 1Ki 21:27 Joe 1:13
- No one clothed in, allowed into the palaces of kings
Es 4:2
. (Girding with,) of heavy afflictions
Isa 3:24 22:12 32:11
. (Covering the heavens with,) of severe judgments
Isa 50:3
. (Heavens becoming as,) of severe judgments
Re 6:12
. (Putting of,) of joy and gladness
Ps 30:11