中文內容 | - 早先提到牧人的經文
創 4:2
- 通常帶著袋子
撒上 17:40
- 手裡拿著杖或竿
利 27:32 詩 23:4
- 照料羊群時, 住在帳棚中
歌 1:8 賽 38:12
- 家族成員無論男女都充任牧人
創 29:6 撒上 16:11 17:15
- 手下雇了看守的人
撒上 17:20
- 提及不忠於職守的受雇牧人
約 10:12
- 牧人對羊兒的關照展現在
. 認識羊兒
約 10:14
. 走在羊兒前面引導
詩 77:20 78:52 80:1
. 為羊兒找到肥美的草場
代上 4:39-41 詩 23:2
. 等羊兒從草場回來後, 數點羊群
耶 33:13
. 夜間守護羊群
路 2:8
. 體貼小羊並乳養羊羔的母羊
創 33:13,14 詩 78:71
. 羊兒遭野獸襲擊時, 護衛羊兒
撒上 17:34-36 摩 3:12
. 把迷路走失的羊兒找回來
結 34:12 路 15:4,5
. 照料生病的羊兒
結 34:16
- 是埃及人所厭惡的
創 46:34
- 用來說明
. 上帝是以色列的引導者
詩 77:20 80:1
. 基督是好牧人
結 34:23 亞 13:7 約 10:14 來 13:20
. 君王是百姓的領導者
賽 44:28 耶 6:3 49:19
. 傳福音的牧者
耶 23:4
. (牧人找回走失的羊,) 基督尋找失喪的人
結 34:12 路 15:2-7
. (牧人的關照體貼,) 基督的體貼
賽 40:11 結 34:13-16
. (無知愚蠢的牧人,) 不盡職的牧人
賽 56:11 耶 50:6 結 34:2,10 亞 11:7,8,15-17 |
內容 | - Early mention of
Ge 4:2
- Usually carried a scrip or bag
1Sa 17:40
- Carried a staff or rod
Le 27:32 Ps 23:4
- Dwelt in tents while tending their flocks
So 1:8 Isa 38:12
- Members of the family both male and female acted as
Ge 29:6 1Sa 16:11 17:15
- Had hired keepers under them
1Sa 17:20
- The unfaithfulness of hireling, alluded to
Joh 10:12
. Knowing them
Joh 10:14
. Going before and leading them
Ps 77:20 78:52 80:1
. Seeking out good pasture for them
1Ch 4:39-41 Ps 23:2
. Numbering them when they return from pasture
Jer 33:13
. Watching over them by night
Lu 2:8
. Tenderness to the ewes in lamb, and to the young
Ge 33:13,14 Ps 78:71
. Defending them when attacked by wild beasts
1Sa 17:34-36 Am 3:12
. Searching them out when lost and straying
Eze 34:12 Lu 15:4,5
. Attending them when sick
Eze 34:16
- An abomination to the Egyptians
Ge 46:34
. Of God as leader of Israel
Ps 77:20 80:1
. Of Christ as the good shepherd
Eze 34:23 Zec 13:7 Joh 10:14 Heb 13:20
. Of kings as the leaders of the people
Isa 44:28 Jer 6:3 49:19
. Of ministers of the gospel
Jer 23:4
. (Searching out straying sheep,) of Christ seeking the lost
Eze 34:12 Lu 15:2-7
. (Their care and tenderness,) of tenderness of Christ
Isa 40:11 Eze 34:13-16
. (Ignorant and foolish,) of bad ministers
Isa 56:11 Jer 50:6 Eze 34:2,10 Zec 11:7,8,15-17