中文內容 | - 是上帝所降下
申 28:59-61 32:39 撒下 12:15 徒 12:23
- 上帝有時容許魔鬼使人生病
伯 2:6,7 路 9:39 13:16
- 常常因為酗酒而引發疾病
何 7:5
- 人的病往往是因為犯罪受懲罰
利 26:14-16 代下 21:12-15 林前 11:30
- 疾病是上帝降在有罪之地的四樣大災之一
結 14:19-21
- 上帝
. 應許醫病
出 23:25 王下 20:5
. 醫治人的疾病
申 32:39 詩 103:3 賽 38:5,9
. 以醫病展現祂的憐憫
腓 2:27
. 以醫病展現祂的能力
路 5:17
. 以醫病展現祂的愛
賽 38:17
. 往往在罪人的病痛中向他們顯明拯救的恩典
伯 33:19-24 詩 107:17-21
. 允許聖徒受病痛試煉
伯 2:5,6
. 把力量加添給生病的聖徒
詩 41:3
. 安慰生病的聖徒
詩 41:3
. 垂聽病人的禱告
詩 30:2 107:18-20
. 保守生病的聖徒
詩 91:3-7
. 任由惡人生病
耶 34:17
. 用病痛困擾惡人
耶 29:18
- 安息日醫病是合法的
路 13:14-16
- 基督憐愛病人
賽 53:4 太 8:16,17
- 基督醫病
. 在場
可 1:31 太 4:23
. 不在場
太 8:13
. 用按手的方式
可 6:5 路 13:13
. 用觸摸的方式
太 8:3
. 病人摸祂的衣裳而得醫治
太 14:35,36 可 5:27-34
. 用一句話
太 8:8,13
- 基督醫治的人必須有信心
太 9:28,29 可 5:34 10:52
- 用人的方法往往無法醫病
申 28:27 代下 21:18
- 使徒被賦予醫病的能力
太 10:1 可 16:18,20
- 醫病的能力
. 是上帝給予初代教會的奇妙恩賜
林前 12:9,30 雅 5:14,15
- 聖徒
. 承認病痛乃是來自上帝
詩 31:1-8 賽 38:12,15
. 在病痛中順天聽命
伯 2:10
. 生病時用禱告哀嘆
賽 38:14
. 祈求病能痊癒
賽 38:2,3
. 把痊癒歸功給上帝
賽 38:20
. 為了病得痊癒讚美上帝
詩 103:1-3 賽 38:19 路 17:15
. 為了病得痊癒公開感謝上帝
賽 38:20 徒 3:8
. 同情病人
詩 35:13
. 探望病人
太 25:36
- 探望病人是屬乎基督的證據
太 25:34,36,40
- 應當為受病痛折磨的人禱告
徒 28:8 雅 5:14,15
- 生病時應尋求上帝扶助
代下 16:12
- 惡人
. 因為病痛而多苦惱
傳 5:17
. 離棄生病的人
撒上 30:13
. 不探望病人
太 25:43
- 不探望病人是不屬乎基督的證據
太 25:43,45
- 說明人的罪
利 13:45,46 賽 1:5 耶 8:22 太 9:12 |
內容 | - Sent by God
De 28:59-61 32:39 2Sa 12:15 Ac 12:23
- The devil sometimes permitted to inflict
Job 2:6,7 Lu 9:39 13:16
- Often brought on by intemperance
Ho 7:5
- Often sent as a punishment of sin
Le 26:14-16 2Ch 21:12-15 1Co 11:30
- One of God's four sore judgments on a guilty land
Eze 14:19-21
. Promises to heal
Ex 23:25 2Ki 20:5
. Heals
De 32:39 Ps 103:3 Isa 38:5,9
. Exhibits his mercy in healing
Php 2:27
. Exhibits his power in healing
Lu 5:17
. Exhibits his love in healing
Isa 38:17
. Often manifests saving grace to sinners during
Job 33:19-24 Ps 107:17-21
. Permits saints to be tried by
Job 2:5,6
. Strengthens saints in
Ps 41:3
. Comforts saints in
Ps 41:3
. Hears the prayers of those in
Ps 30:2 107:18-20
. Preserves saints in time of
Ps 91:3-7
. Abandons the wicked to
Jer 34:17
. Persecutes the wicked by
Jer 29:18
- Healing of, lawful on the Sabbath
Lu 13:14-16
- Christ compassionate those in
Isa 53:4 Mt 8:16,17
. Being present
Mr 1:31 Mt 4:23
. Not being present
Mt 8:13
. By imposition of hands
Mr 6:5 Lu 13:13
. With a touch
Mt 8:3
. Through the touch of his garment
Mt 14:35,36 Mr 5:27-34
. With a word
Mt 8:8,13
- Faith required in those healed of, by Christ
Mt 9:28,29 Mr 5:34 10:52
- Often incurable by human means
De 28:27 2Ch 21:18
- The Apostles were endued with power to heal
Mt 10:1 Mr 16:18,20
. One of the miraculous gifts bestowed on the early Church
1Co 12:9,30 Jas 5:14,15
. Acknowledge that, comes from God
Ps 31:1-8 Isa 38:12,15
. Are resigned under
Job 2:10
. Mourn under, with prayer
Isa 38:14
. Pray for recovery from
Isa 38:2,3
. Ascribe recovery from, to God
Isa 38:20
. Praise God for recovery from
Ps 103:1-3 Isa 38:19 Lu 17:15
. Thank God publicly for recovery form
Isa 38:20 Ac 3:8
. Feel for others in
Ps 35:13
. Visit those in
Mt 25:36
- Visiting those in, an evidence of belonging to Christ
Mt 25:34,36,40
- Pray for those afflicted with
Ac 28:8 Jas 5:14,15
- God's aid should be sought in
2Ch 16:12
. Have much sorrow, with
Ec 5:17
. Forsake those in
1Sa 30:13
. Visit not those in
Mt 25:43
- Not visiting those in, an evidence of not belonging to Christ
Mt 25:43,45
- Illustrative of sin
Le 13:45,46 Isa 1:5 Jer 8:22 Mt 9:12