中文內容 | - 有防護的城遭受圍攻
王下 18:13
- 上帝預示人要受圍城之虞, 為其懲罰
申 28:52
- 描述
. 安營包圍
撒下 12:28 代下 32:1
. 紮營包圍
王下 25:1
. 大軍圍困
王下 6:14 路 21:20
. 擺陣攻擊
耶 50:9
. 四面攻擊
耶 51:2
- 常常歷時許久
王下 17:5
- 提及圍城時的喧鬧
珥 2:5
- 圍城的人
. 造臺築壘
結 4:2 26:8
. 在城市周圍挖戰壕
路 19:43
. 四面八方圍城
結 23:24
. 斷絕所有補給
王下 19:24
. 每每埋伏預備攻擊
士 9:34
. 呼籲城內的人投降
王上 20:2,3 王下 18:18,20
. 用撞城錘攻城牆
結 4:2 26:9
. 把箭和其他投射物射進城內
王下 19:32
. 圍城期間往往吃了不少苦
結 29:18
- 猶太人不許因為圍城而砍伐果樹
申 20:19,20
- 提及圍困攻城極其困難
箴 18:19
- 遭圍攻的城
. 事先經修補並鞏固防禦工事
代下 32:5 賽 22:9,10 鴻 3:14
. 事先補給供水
鴻 3:14
. 城裡的居民事先斷絕城外圍城者用得上的供水
代下 32:3,4
. 關得嚴緊
書 6:1
. 居民在城牆邊防守
撒下 11:20,21 王下 18:26 代下 32:18
. 有時埋伏或突圍
耶 51:12
. 往往鬧飢荒
王下 6:26-29 25:3 結 6:12
. 往往瘟疫肆虐
耶 21:6 32:24
. 常常要求訂立和平條款
撒上 11:1-3
. 每每經埋伏攻取
士 9:43,44
. 每每經襲擊攻取
書 10:35 撒下 12:29
. 經常有盟軍前來支援
撒上 11:11 23:5
. 城裡的居民受勸勉要勇敢
代下 32:6-8
- 遭圍困攻取的城邑
. 任憑人劫掠
耶 50:26,27
. 城裡的居民往往死於刀劍之下
書 10:28,30,32,35 耶 50:30
. 每每遭拆毀
士 9:45
. 每每遭焚燬
書 8:19
. 有時征服者在城裡灑了鹽
士 9:45
. 有時以俘虜者的名字命名
撒下 12:28
- 聖經上提到的圍城事件
. 耶利哥
書 6:2-20
. 艾城
書 7:2-4 8:1-19
. 瑪基大
書 10:28
. 立拿
書 10:29,30
. 拉吉
書 10:31,32
. 伊磯倫
書 10:34,35
. 希伯崙
書 10:36,37
. 底璧
書 10:38,39
. 示劍
士 9:34,45
. 提備斯
士 9:50
. 基列雅比
撒上 11:1
. 基伊拉
撒上 23:1
. 洗革拉
撒上 30:1,2
. 拉巴
撒下 11:1 12:26-29
. 基比頓
王上 16:15
. 得撒
王上 16:17
. 撒馬利亞
王上 20:1 王下 6:24 17:5
. 基列的拉末
王上 22:4,29
. 加利利的以色列城邑
王下 15:29
. 猶大城邑
王下 18:13
. 耶路撒冷
王下 24:10,11 25:1,2
- 用來說明
. 上帝無所不在
詩 139:5
. 上帝的審判
彌 5:1
. 受苦難的錫安
賽 1:8 |
內容 | - Fenced cities invested by
2Ki 18:13
- Threatened as a punishment
De 28:52
. Encamping against
2Sa 12:28 2Ch 32:1
. Pitching against
2Ki 25:1
. Compassing about with armies
2Ki 6:14 Lu 21:20
. Setting in array against
Jer 50:9
. Being against round about
Jer 51:2
- Often lasted for a long time
2Ki 17:5
- Great noise and tumult of, alluded to
Joe 2:5
. Built forts and mounts
Eze 4:2 26:8
. Dug a trench round the city
Lu 19:43
. Invested the city on every side
Eze 23:24
. Cut off all supplies
2Ki 19:24
. Frequently laid ambushes
Jud 9:34
. Called upon the city to surrender
1Ki 20:2,3 2Ki 18:18,20
. Employed battering rams against the walls
Eze 4:2 26:9
. Cast arrows and other missiles into the city
2Ki 19:32
. Often suffered much during
Eze 29:18
- The Jews forbidden to cut down fruit trees for the purpose of
De 20:19,20
- Extreme difficulty of taking cities by, alluded to
Pr 18:19
. Repaired and newly fortified beforehand
2Ch 32:5 Isa 22:9,10 Na 3:14
. Supplied with water beforehand
Na 3:14
. The inhabitants of, cut off beforehand supplies of water
outside, useful to besiegers
2Ch 32:3,4
. Were strictly shut up
Jos 6:1
. Walls of, defended by the inhabitants
2Sa 11:20,21 2Ki 18:26 2Ch 32:18
. Sometimes used ambushes or sorties
Jer 51:12
. Often suffered from famine
2Ki 6:26-29 25:3 Eze 6:12
. Often suffered from pestilence
Jer 21:6 32:24
. Often demanded terms of peace
1Sa 11:1-3
. Frequently taken by ambush
Jud 9:43,44
. Frequently taken by assault
Jos 10:35 2Sa 12:29
. Frequently helped by allies
1Sa 11:11 23:5
. Inhabitants of, exhorted to be courageous
2Ch 32:6-8
. Given up to pillage
Jer 50:26,27
. Inhabitants of, often put to the sword
Jos 10:28,30,32,35 Jer 50:30
. Frequently broken down
Jud 9:45
. Frequently destroyed by fire
Jos 8:19
. Sometimes sown with salt
Jud 9:45
. Sometimes called after the name of the captor
2Sa 12:28
. Jericho
Jos 6:2-20
. Ai
Jos 7:2-4 8:1-19
. Makkedah
Jos 10:28
. Libnah
Jos 10:29,30
. Lachish
Jos 10:31,32
. Eglon
Jos 10:34,35
. Hebron
Jos 10:36,37
. Debir
Jos 10:38,39
. Shechem
Jud 9:34,45
. Thebez
Jud 9:50
. Jabesh-gilead
1Sa 11:1
. Keilah
1Sa 23:1
. Ziklag
1Sa 30:1,2
. Rabbah
2Sa 11:1 12:26-29
. Gibbethon
1Ki 16:15
. Tirzah
1Ki 16:17
. Samaria
1Ki 20:1 2Ki 6:24 17:5
. Ramoth-gilead
1Ki 22:4,29
. Cities of Israel in Galilee
2Ki 15:29
. Cities of Judah
2Ki 18:13
. Jerusalem
2Ki 24:10,11 25:1,2
- Illustrative Of
. The omnipresence of God
Ps 139:5
. The judgments of God
Mic 5:1
. Zion in her affliction
Isa 1:8