中文內容 | - 可能的起源
創 4:4,7
- 獻上的原因、場合
. 為了誤犯的罪而獻
利 4:2,13,22,27
. 祭司承接聖職時
出 29:10,14 利 8:14
. 利未人分別為聖時
民 8:8
. 拿細耳人許願離俗的日子滿了的時候
民 6:14
. 贖罪日
利 16:3,9
- 是至聖的獻祭
利 6:25,29
- 構成的要素
. 為祭司贖罪的公牛犢
利 4:3 9:2,8 16:3,6
. 為會眾贖罪的公牛犢或公山羊羔
利 4:14 16:9 代下 29:23
. 為官長贖罪的公山羊
利 4:23
. 為個人贖罪的母山羊或母綿羊羔
利 4:28,32
- 按手在祭牲上, 把獻祭者的罪轉給祭牲
利 4:4,15,24,29 代下 29:23
- 跟燔祭的祭牲在同一個地方宰殺
利 4:24 6:25
- 贖罪祭牲的血
. 為祭司或為會眾贖罪的, 要由祭司帶進會幕
利 4:5,16
. 為祭司或為會眾贖罪的, 要由祭司在幔子外面
利 4:6,17
. 為祭司或為會眾贖罪的, 要由祭司用指頭蘸血
利 4:25,30
. 每次都要把血倒在燔祭壇的腳
利 4:7 18:25,30 9:9
- 祭牲內臟的脂油、腰子, 要在燔祭壇上燒掉
利 4:8-10,19,26,31 9:10
- 為祭司或會眾贖罪的祭牲, 皮、畜體要在營外燒掉
利 4:11,12,21 6:30 9:11
- 祭牲的血若沒有帶進會幕, 祭司就在聖處吃掉祭牲
利 6:26,29,30
- 祭牲的血沒有帶進會幕, 亞倫等人卻直接把祭牲燒
掉而沒有吃, 因此受指責
利 10:16-18 9:9,15
- 凡摸到祭肉的就成為聖潔
利 6:27
- 衣服若灑上祭牲的血, 就要洗乾淨
利 6:27
- 烹煮祭肉用的器皿的相關律法
利 6:28
- 象徵基督的獻祭
林後 5:21 來 13:11-13 |
內容 | - Probable origin of
Ge 4:4,7
. For sins of ignorance
Le 4:2,13,22,27
. At the consecration of priests
Ex 29:10,14 Le 8:14
. At the consecration of Levites
Nu 8:8
. At the expiration of a Nazarite's vow
Nu 6:14
. On the day of atonement
Le 16:3,9
- Was a most holy sacrifice
Le 6:25,29
. A young bullock for priests
Le 4:3 9:2,8 16:3,6
. A young bullock or he-goat for the congregation
Le 4:14 16:9 2Ch 29:23
. A male kid for a ruler
Le 4:23
. A female kid or female lamb for a private person
Le 4:28,32
- Sins of the offerer transferred to, by imposition of hands
Le 4:4,15,24,29 2Ch 29:23
- Was killed in the same place as the burnt-offering
Le 4:24 6:25
. For a priest or for the congregation, brought by the priest
into the tabernacle
Le 4:5,16
. For a priest or for the congregation, sprinkled seven times
before the Lord, outside the vail, by the priest with his
Le 4:6,17
. For a priest of for the congregation, put upon the horns of
the altar of burnt offering by the priest with his finger
Le 4:25,30
. In every case poured at the foot of the altar of burnt
Le 4:7 18:25,30 9:9
- Fat of the inside, kidneys, burned on the altar of burnt
Le 4:8-10,19,26,31 9:10
- When for a priest or the congregation, the skin, carcass,
burned without the camp
Le 4:11,12,21 6:30 9:11
- Was eaten by the priests in a holy place, when its blood had
not been brought into the tabernacle
Le 6:26,29,30
- Aaron, &c rebuked for burning and not eating that of the
congregation, its blood not having been brought into the
Le 10:16-18 9:9,15
- Whatever touched the flesh of, was rendered holy
Le 6:27
- Garments sprinkled with the blood of, to be washed
Le 6:27
- Laws respecting the vessels used for boiling the flesh of
Le 6:28
- Was typical of Christ's sacrifice
2Co 5:21 Heb 13:11-13