內容 | - An abomination to God
Pr 6:16,19
- Forbidden
Ex 23:1 Eph 4:31 Jas 4:11
. Whispering
Ro 1:29 2Co 12:20
. Backbiting
Ro 1:30 2Co 12:20
. Evil surmising
1Ti 6:4
. Tale-bearing
Le 19:16
. Babbling
Ec 10:11
. Tattling
1Ti 5:13
. Evil speaking
Ps 41:5 109:20
. Defaming
Jer 20:10 1Co 4:13
. Bearing false witness
Ex 20:16 De 5:20 Lu 3:14
. Judging charitably
Jas 4:11,12
. Raising false reports
Ex 23:1
. Repeating matters
Pr 17:9
- Is a deceitful work
Ps 52:2
- Comes from the evil heart
Mt 15:19 Lu 6:45
- Often arises from hatred
Ps 41:7 109:3
- Idleness leads to
1Ti 5:13
- The wicked addicted to
Ps 50:20 Jer 6:28 9:4
- Hypocrites addicted to
Pr 11:9
- A characteristic of the devil
Re 12:10
- The wicked love
Ps 52:4
- They who indulge in, are fools
Pr 10:18
- They who indulge in, not to be trusted
Jer 9:4
- Women warned against
Tit 2:3
- Minister's wives should avoid
1Ti 3:11
- Christ was exposed to
Ps 35:11 Mt 26:60
- Rulers exposed to
2Pe 2:10 Jude 1:8
- Ministers exposed to
Ro 3:8 2Co 6:8
- The nearest relations exposed to
Ps 50:20
- Saints exposed to
Ps 38:12 109:2 1Pe 4:4
. Should keep their tongue from
Ps 34:13 1Pe 3:10
. Should lay aside
Eph 4:31 1Pe 2:1
. Should be warned against
Tit 3:1,2
. Should give no occasion for
1Pe 2:12 3:16
. Should return good for
1Co 4:13
. Blessed in enduring
Mt 5:11
. Characterised as avoiding
Ps 15:1,3
- Should not be listened to
1Sa 24:9
- Should be discountenanced with anger
Pr 25:23
. Separating friends
Pr 16:28 17:9
. Deadly wounds
Pr 18:8 26:22
. Strife
Pr 26:20
. Discord among brethren
Pr 6:19
. Murder
Ps 31:13 Eze 22:9
- The tongue of, is a scourge
Job 5:21
- Is venomous
Ps 140:3 Ec 10:11
- Is destructive
Pr 11:9
- End of, is mischievous madness
Ec 10:13
- Men shall give account for
Mt 12:36 Jas 1:26
- Punishment for
De 19:16-21 Ps 101:5
- Illustrated
Pr 12:18 25:18
- Exemplified
. Laban's Sons
Ge 31:1
. Doeg
1Sa 22:9-11
. Princes of Ammon
2Sa 10:3
. Ziba
2Sa 16:3
. Children of Belial
1Ki 21:13
. Enemies of the Jews
Ezr 4:7-16
. Gashmu
Ne 6:6
. Haman
Es 3:8
. David's enemies
Ps 31:13
. Jeremiah's enemies
Jer 38:4
. Jews
Mt 11:18,19
. Witnesses against Christ
Mt 26:59-61
. Priests
Mr 15:3
. Enemies of Stephen
Ac 6:11
. Enemies of Paul
Ac 17:7
. Tertullus
Ac 24:2,5